I haven't been ending my posts as I usually do. So I thought I'd reflect on what a month of motherhood has taught me.
- Time flies. Not just the past month, but the minutes and hours in a day. I can pass eight hours in the blink of an eye. Its so different than when I was pregnant and time moved so slowly.
- I really enjoy breastfeeding. Its weird to think that I make milk. Troy's tried telling me that 50% of all mammals make milk, but its still kind of strange. However, there's something about looking down and seeing Grant eat that is so peaceful. I'm making his food, and he is growing, all because of me.
- I don't need eight hours of sleep. Six hours, interupted by a crying, hungry baby, is enough.
- Troy is much more helpful than I figured he'd be. There are still some areas that's we're learning about (ALWAYS refrigerate leftover breastmilk!), but he's wonderful. And funny.
I'm sure there's tons more that I've learned. But this is good for now.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Just for you, Aunt Sharon!
Upon request, here are some photos of Grant from the past week. I can't believe how beautiful my baby is. He's just gorgeous! Enjoy the pics, everyone!
Just this morning- Grant in his "Got Milk?" onesie with a lovely cow print. I must say- I think I need the cow print shirt. I'm beginning to feel like all I do is feed this little boy! He eats all the time!
A bath shot. He looks pretty unhappy, but he really enjoys his baths. No fussing or crying, and he always relaxes enough to pee in the tub.
Sleeping on the sofa. Not his best photo, but he looks so sweet when he's sleeping. Which is quite often, actually.
The funny shot- this may be the "shock and awe" look that my dad often refers to. Grant has taken over Henry's role as the cute one in the house. Troy and I spend most of our time saying, "Oooh- look at him! Isn't that just adorable?!?"

Monday, July 09, 2007
A Month!
I can't believe that Grant will be four weeks old tomorrow. Its been a good month, overall. I'm feeling back to myself, with no pain or problems. Grant is usually sleeping well. I need to make sure not to jinx myself. I've been telling people how well he sleeps, but last night was not so fun. He woke up more often and it was harder to get him to sleep. He's so cute, though, that we tend to overlook some fussing at night.
We had a good trip to Raleigh for the 4th of July. Troy's grandmother, Grant's great-grandmother, was in town from Ohio. We had a great time sharing the baby with her. We ate too much, as usual.
Today I learned that Grant does like to snuggle up sometimes. Like today, when he just wanted to sleep on me instead of in his crib. They say you can't spoil a newborn. What's the harm in trying?
We had a good trip to Raleigh for the 4th of July. Troy's grandmother, Grant's great-grandmother, was in town from Ohio. We had a great time sharing the baby with her. We ate too much, as usual.
Today I learned that Grant does like to snuggle up sometimes. Like today, when he just wanted to sleep on me instead of in his crib. They say you can't spoil a newborn. What's the harm in trying?
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