Friday, December 09, 2005

If only every week was a three-day week.

Yes, the ice did come through and school was cancelled today. I shouldn't be so pleased about it, I guess. I'm as bad as my students, if not worse. I don't think I'll pray for snow days so feverishly once grad school is over with.

I used the extra time to run for 47 minutes, watch a Tivo-ed movie, and meet with my study group for Monday's final. I sure home I get some studying done this weekend. I don't feel very prepared right now. And I don't have much motivation to get prepared.

Henry seems to be feeling better after three meals with his pancreatic enzymes. I'm hoping that takes care of the problem. He eats the pills with his food and doesn't seem to notice that I've snuck medicine in. No peanut butter or other hiding substances. He's been sleeping well and no recent accidents. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Today I learned that Henry growls at little girls who want to take his chews. Henry learned that when he growls at little girls, he immediately goes to his crate.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More Snow!

I'm sure keeping my fingers crossed that we get some nasty ice and snow tonight. That would really rock. Henry got sick again last night, so I took in a "sample" to the vet and brought him to school with me to keep an eye on him. I didn't realize it, but he's lots four or five pounds in the last month or so. I hope the vet can find something out. I'm a little worried.

Today I learned that a Leatherman constitutes a weapon at my school. Good thing it wasn't mine and I wasn't the one found with it. Just one of my students- five day suspension.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Snow Day

Today was just a one hour delay, but yesterday was a whole snow day! It was beautiful, especially since Lynchburg College was closed and I didn't have to go to class. (Boy do I need to start studying for my final on Monday...) I did get some work done with my friend Meghan from school. I also watched a pretty bad movie, but it was so bad I couldn't stop (Chasing Liberty with Mandy Moore).

Our weekend was good- very relaxing with no big expectations or activities besides the tennis match. I did get schoolwork done for grad school over the weekend. That and laundry.

Not much else going on. I'm tremendously busy, but the semester is almost over and Christmas break is nearly here.

Today I learned that the kindergarten teachers at my school can be really selfish and not nice. I also learned that the fourth grade teachers are swell! (The kindergarten teachers had fits that I needed an aide for an hour and that the principal assigned me theirs... The fourth grade teachers gave me their aide instead. How sweet!)