Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I thought summer vacation this year would be laid back and relaxing. This week has been less busy, but no less stressful. I have a specialist's report due Monday about testing I have yet to actually do on a boy whose mother I have yet to get ahold of. Plus, I have a final exam a week from tomorrow!

It'll be okay. The stress has an end in sight.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


So a dishwasher leaking water all over the floor (my crisis) isn't as bad as your house burning down (Uncle Jack's crisis). However, I did not enjoy having to figure out why huge amounts of suds were foaming over the kitchen floor. Jack and Kelly both seem pretty okay about the house- all lives were saved, including Rascal hiding under a bed. I can just picture that poor firefighter braving the flames to drag out a bassett hound.

I ran 3.3 miles today, but I had an unhealthy-ish dinner- too much cheese, maybe five points over for the day, including my exercise. However, I was under a lot of stress from the leak.

My best friend Meghan is pregnant with baby no. 2. I'm jealous, but its not too bad. She'll let me borrow her kids as often as I need to. Erin, although sweet, is a terrible two, and she can quickly curb the urge.

I hope Jack gets things sorted out as smoothly as possible. I feel really bad for him, and especially Johnny who had to get out of the burning house. That has to suck.

Monday, July 04, 2005

later on the fourth

I am sitting in a big field waiting for the fireworks to start. Technology is truly amazing, as is Troy for letting me play with his BlackBerry. We got a lot of housework taken care of today- laundry, straightening, and mowing. I really didn't want to go to the fireworks tonight, but Troy coerced me. I really think my dislike of fireworks has to do with the wretched displays Oak Ridge always put on. They were really horrible! Hopefully Lynchburg can do better. Henry is still very happy to have us home- no accidents in the house today. The bugs and I say goodnight from our little corner of the Genworth field.

4th of July

We got back last night from Troy's parents' house. It was a good time. Lots of shopping and eating out. We'd left Henry here with a neighbor, our first time really away from him for long, and he was happy to see us. I think he never expected to see us again. We're going to just spend today getting things done around the house. I have school work and house work to catch up on.

Congrats to Teresa and Chris on two years of dating bliss! Troy and I are less than a month away from three years of wedded bliss, and we're starting to talk about how to celebrate. He knows to get me sparklies for anniversaries. I don't mind vacuums and powerwashers and scumbusters for other "special" occasions. However, anniversaries are different.