Saturday, September 24, 2005
Isn't it fall?
Henry got me up bright and early. The disadvantage to letting him sleep out of his crate is that he wakes me up by licking me instead of whining. I guess I'll take the licking, but I have to take him out so that he doesn't have an accident. He's been really reliable recently. He slept out at Mom and Dad's place, and he held it all night. Its not all sunshine and roses, though. He keeps chewing on our bathmats.
We had lunch at La Carreta, yummy Mexican food. Then we went to the mall where I bought... nothing! I told Troy that if I studied this evening I was going to go to TJMaxx tomorrow to reward myself. I put in over an hour at the books, so I'll shop tomorrow.
I want to be well prepared for my comprehensive exam. I'm going to try to put in 20-30 minutes each day, most days of the week. I think that's manageable. Plus, if I put that in now, I may not have to put a lot in later. I can just review what I have.
Laundry day- four loads. I was running out of stuff to wear.
Today I learned that my husband may never, ever, ever grow up.
Friday, September 23, 2005
One more try...
I'm going to give this one more shot at keeping up the blog. For your sake, Teresa. I've been so busy. Grad school on Mondays and Wednesdays, obedience classes on Tuesdays, school events Thursdays... Plus visiting Mom and Dad last weekend. Fortunately we'll be sticking around this weekend.
School is going well. My seven third-graders are settling in to the routine. We're having tons of trouble with addition and subtraction with regrouping, but we'll go down trying. Behavior has settled down, as well. I haven't had to write any referrals. My new room looks good.
I need to study this weekend to keep from getting behind. I'm worried that I'll stress out too much at the end of the semester. Plus, I may regret taking comps in March instead of June. I'd rather get it over with before I "walk" for graduation. That way, my internship is all I'll have left to take care of.
Henry is learning lots of interesting things at class. He hates the "long stay," where I make him lie down for half an hour. Its a true battle everytime I try. I think there's hope, though. He wants to be a good little boy.
Today I learned that it's good to go home if you feel like you're "going to throw up over the whole school."