Friday, May 18, 2007
Another Week
Henry was good all day today. No messes!
School is on a funky schedule on Tuesday due to Falwell's funeral here in town. They're worried about transportation, so they're releasing everyone an hour early. It makes no sense since the funeral is at 1 pm. They'll be sending some buses out as the funeral is just beginning and ending. I guess we were all kind of hoping for the day off if they were going to alter our schedule.
Today I learned that teachers are always desperate for an excuse to have a day off. Maybe everyone, everywhere, in every job feels this way.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Today's Real Entry
I took a couple of photos of my flowers today. I should've done it before the snowball bush, tulips, and lily of the valley faded. Those were really beautiful.

Lupine- this pick was Troy's. Its growing really well and spreading out.
Clematis- Another pick of Troy's. Its growing up the railing to our deck.
My peonies- I planted them four years ago. The first year they didn't sprout. The second year they sprouted and grew, but didn't bloom. Last year they bloomed. This year, they are ENORMOUS and beautiful.
I came home today to three piles of Henry vomit and one pile of Henry poo. I can't figure out why he puked. That's one of the great mysteries of my life. Its been going for several years. I think I would feel let down if it stopped and we never figured out why. I must say- anyone watching would've enjoyed the show of me trying to clean all that mess up with my big belly in the way.
Today I learned that having a relatively new home can still be relatively expensive.
House Advertisement
"Remarks: Wonderful two story home that stands out through upgrades and meticulous preservation. Located in a private cul-de-sac this home is perfect for anyone that wants the privacy of the country and convenience of a 10 minute drive to Lynchburg. Pristine hardwood floors, ceramic tile and custom cabinets enhance the open floor plan. From the kitchen, breakfast nook, or dining room enjoy the serene private wooded rear yard while entertaining or eating. Enjoy 9 ft., ceilings in the finished basement in addition to to the cathedral ceiling in upstairs bedroom. Secret storage room just through master bedroom closet is perfect for storage or an imaginative mind."
Oh dear.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Naked Clowns
Its for timing contractions. I think Troy just wanted an excuse to buy a pretty red stopwatch. I guess I shouldn't grumble too much; he did get me something.
As for naked clowns, we were studying fish today in reading, and we were talking about how the clownfish got its name. I asked one of my students, "What do clowns usually wear?" thinking that he would respond with something about bright clothes. His response?
"Nothing! They wear nothing!" I can only hope that he thought I'd asked him what clownfish usually wear. Because clowns with nothing on scare me.
Today I learned that my OB's response to any quesionable discomfort I have is, "You're pregnant." Even sharp intense pains. Its all because I'm pregnant. Lucky me.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Irony, in Second Grade
The irony? They gave the part of the mom to a girl with alopecia. She really has very little hair to pull out. Even weirder? No one- not one of the four teachers nor the music teacher- noticed in two weeks of rehearsals, until I showed up one day and started laughing at the choice of mom. I couldn't believe they'd missed that.
Today I learned that this is teacher appreciation week. The PTO had lunch brought in. I love free lunch.
Butterflies and Birds
"Butterflies are insects and birds are... birds!" Ah. A triumphant answer on the similarities of these two creatures.
The right answer was they both lay eggs.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Back Home
It was lovely to see my parents, sister, and brother-in-law. The aunts, uncles, and cousins were a delight. I can't think of anything funner than making fun of my cousin's "Greek god" of a prom date.
The house is still standing. We both tend to get anxious as we enter the neighborhood, thinking that perhaps the house burned down while we were gone. But its still here! The grass is currently being mowed by one good husband.
The only disappointment was that I thought we'd be able to pick up Henry today. Turns out its only medical discharges. So I'll have to look at pictures and think fond thoughts. It'll be nice to be able to get ready in the morning without having to take Henry out.
Today I learned that my stomach has just barely enough room for a burrito. Enough, but just barely. Mmmmm. Guacamole.