Saturday, November 05, 2005

Yelling is not good for Bell's Palsy

As I discovered while quite angry at Troy. My ten minute tirade got me several hours in bed and a small set back. However, Troy says that he thinks I've improved by thirty to fourty percent. My left eyebrow actually moves a little bit all by itself! You can tell when I'm smiling and happy on both sides of my face. Pretty exciting, eh?

I've been working on a research project a lot today. I think I'm nearly done with it. I'm kind of glad that its just a "rough draft," although that means I'll have to do more work on it when it comes back with suggestions. I think I'd prefer to just turn the thing in when I think I'm done with it and have it come back graded. However, it is just one of three projects due toward the end of the semester. It is also the only one I've really started on.

I don't know what I'll find to occupy myself tomorrow. The laundry is done, reading is no fun with my glasses on (I did try my contacts today- no dice), I guess I'll have to play with Henry and actually talk to my husband. Hmmm...

Today I learned that public laws published on the Internet do not list authors.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Improvement Noted!

There is some minor improvement in my condition. My lip is able to smile a little bit, the muscles in my cheek are responding a teeny bit, and blinking is a little easier. The prednisone has given me chipmunk cheeks, but that's okay. I'd rather have chubby cheeks that move than thin cheeks that don't work right.

The pain is lessening some, as well. The hearing in my left ear is still terribly sensitive to loud sounds. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Henry has had a wonderful time staying home with me. However, he isn't too good at entertaining himself while I try to get some papers written (stupid grad school). So he's in his crate and out of my way for now.

Not much else to report. I'm in good spirits!

Today I learned that I think Jennifer Garner is a good actress. "13 Going on 30" was pretty cute.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More of the same.

That's about all there is to this. The pain is less today, thank goodness. My mouth is still funky, and I look pretty strange. However, I feel okay. I did lay down and take a forty-five minute nap in the clinic just to humor Mom. Its so much trouble to arrange for a sub. I'll just try to take it as easy as I can and still be here.

The assistant principal read aloud to my students to save my lips some work. After the conference and visiting with people today, my mouth is tired and I'm not ennunciating well.

Tonight was conference night, as is Thursday night. One parent signed up to talk to me, and they just left. It was pretty successful. I spent my extra time cleaning my room up. It looks pretty nice.

Tonight is also Henry's last night of obedience classes. Hopefully it will go well!

Today I learned that I have about a 48 hour tolerance for feeling crappy.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Watch for Falling Cheerios

The first part of this will be whining. My head hurts. My ear hurts. When Henry barks, it sounds like a gun firing by my left ear. When I chew or talk too much, the right side of my face works so hard that it pulls my nose and lips over, making my mouth very uncomfortable. There. I'm done.

No improvement today. Not that I expected it, but I laid in bed this morning taking an inventory. Eyebrows? Still going up unevenly. Lips? Still unable to whistle well or pull them over my teeth. Tongue? Still tingly. I had to wait until I took the eye thingy off to see that I'm still not blinking the left eye without a lot of effort.

While I was eating my breakfast, Cheerios kept falling out of the left side of my mouth.

School was okay. I stayed until 12:30. I was just really uncomfortable, so I came home and napped. I didn't want to miss my class this afternoon (reading comprehension week- woo hoo). Most people didn't notice that my face was funny; they just commented that I'm wearing my classes. Some people thought I looked sad. I said they just weren't looking at my good side.

When I came home from class at 6:30, the neighborhood was swarming with people. It was crazy. I can't even begin to guess how many people must've come through. I had to take Henry out for a walk, and he barked at all the kids in their costumes. I think he scared some people.

Today I learned that the doctor may not have given me prednisone because it can accelerate viral growth. (Thanks, Vicky!)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Damn You, Dr. Bell!

Maybe I shouldn't be so mad, after all, he didn't create this stupid paralysis, just described it first. The left side of my face isn't working so well, and it could take two weeks for it to even start to get better. In the meantime, no contacts, no normal smiles, and a really funny expression when I laugh. I have to remember- it could be worse. My normal functioning isn't impaired, and the only serious side effect to look for is an ulcer on my eye. I can avoid that with my super expensive eye drops.

I had a wonderful visit from Mom and Dad. We ate good food, watched good football (I think it was good football- I didn't really pay attention), and talked a lot. I wish they lived closer. Troy had a good time, too. Boy, he loves football.

I'm not excited about school tomorrow. First of all, I look a little odd. Second, its Halloween. That's a huge, crazy day for us. I hope I can maintain my sanity!

Today I learned that 60-70% of Bell's palsy cases are believed to be caused by the same virus that causes fever blisters. Thanks, Mom.