Friday, April 14, 2006

Spring Break

It's about darn time. Today is a workday until about noon, then we teachers get to officially start our spring break. I love my students, but I need these ten days away from them. We even had an episode of angry spitting on Wednesday. No, I don't work with llamas. I've been spending the morning getting things cleaned up in my classroom so that I'm ready for school to start fresh in a week.

I have a good bit of stuff to do over spring break, so don't worry about me getting bored. I just can't believe I'll be completely finished with school and grad school in less than two months. I've also been adding to my summer schedule by offering to work with more kids over the summer. I'm up to four definitely, one tentatively. Five kids should keep me busy.

Wednesday I learned that I can have my students mop the floor if they spit on it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Better Day

We got so much done today! I'm very proud of my students. Behavior was much better after talking to another teacher and coming up with a plan. The kids, thank goodness, will buy into just about anything.

Tonight should be busy. I'm meeting a professor, baking cookies for a "spring table" at school tomorrow, and grocery shopping to bake aforementioned cookies. I guess busy is good. No chance to get bored. People keep thinking I'll be bored this summer. First of all, I don't think I will get bored. Second, is there anything wrong with being bored?!? I happen to think it might be welcomed to wake up with an empty day ahead. I know Henry would like that very much!

Today I learned that I'm going to have to raise a stink if I don't want to play golf this weekend.

Monday, April 10, 2006


I'm feeling the need to vent, so I figured this would be the place to do it.

I'm FED UP with my job right now. I'm desperately hoping that spring break (next week) does something to alleviate my suffering. The kids are nuts. The teachers are nuts. The administrators are nuts. I'm (you guessed it) nuts.

The weather is beautiful. Henry is great. Troy is wonderful.

Today I learned that measuring with beans is easier than using water.