Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just for you, Aunt Sharon!

Upon request, here are some photos of Grant from the past week. I can't believe how beautiful my baby is. He's just gorgeous! Enjoy the pics, everyone!
Just this morning- Grant in his "Got Milk?" onesie with a lovely cow print. I must say- I think I need the cow print shirt. I'm beginning to feel like all I do is feed this little boy! He eats all the time!
A bath shot. He looks pretty unhappy, but he really enjoys his baths. No fussing or crying, and he always relaxes enough to pee in the tub.
Sleeping on the sofa. Not his best photo, but he looks so sweet when he's sleeping. Which is quite often, actually.
The funny shot- this may be the "shock and awe" look that my dad often refers to. Grant has taken over Henry's role as the cute one in the house. Troy and I spend most of our time saying, "Oooh- look at him! Isn't that just adorable?!?"

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