Monday, April 04, 2005


I have a problem. I adore my students. One student in particular is kind of a "favorite." No, I'm not Mary Kay Letourneau. I just have put a lot of hope in this child, and he's hit a behavioral wall. He refuses to cooperate, is getting in trouble left and right, and I don't know what I can do for him.

Here's the big problem. I'm emotionally detaching myself from this student and his family. It looks like I don't care anymore. I think I'm preparing myself for the inevitable- this child needs more help than I can provide. Thus, if I am not attached to him, it won't hurt when he continues to fail at fitting in.

I feel absolutely terribly about it.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday Night

For some reason, I'm very anxious about going to school tomorrow. Not excited anxious, but scared anxious. I think I'm worried that I won't sleep well tonight. I feel the tingle of an anxiety attack, although I haven't had one in ages. Maybe I'll take a little Simply Sleep... I exercised a lot today, but maybe its not enough to put me right to sleep. However, this week will be short- two days of work, then off to Baltimore!

We went to Cici's pizza for lunch after National Treasure. I counted every piece, and I stayed on my points. I also only ate pizzas with veggies on top, which is unusual for me. I love mushrooms and onion on pizza! I've lost 17 pounds so far. I want to keep losing, and leave the plateau of 184 behind me. I think I can! G'night!