Monday, June 04, 2007

Long Time, No Post

Sorry its been awhile. I think I'm avoiding any new forms of complaining. I feel like such a whiner. Grant has decided he's going to single-handedly teach me a lesson in patience.

The doctor says I'm progressing well. We'll leave it at that.

We spent the weekend hanging out and doing some things around the house. We got some pictures framed recently, so we were rearranging the art in the kitchen and living room to accommodate the new pieces. I think it looks really good.

Relay for Life was Friday/Saturday. We walked for an hour Friday night. The event went really well- my team raised over two thousand dollars. I wanted to stay overnight, but Troy and Rachel (our doula) convinced me that I'd be very unhappy if I didn't get enough sleep and then went into labor. I allowed myself to be convinced.

Henry is a happy, healthy puppy again.

Troy has discovered longboarding, a form of skateboarding. I hope I can survive another one of his hobbies.

Today I learned that Heely's- the stupid shoes with a wheel in the heel that I hate- are causing a sharp rise in childhood injuries. I was nearly run over several times at the mall last weekend by kids who had them on. And I even beep when I back up.

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