We had a lunch at school today to raise money for the relay team. We made a lot of money, but it was a lot of work. I helped with cookies, salad, and distribution. I think I'll discourage any coming lunches. I'm too tired, or too pregnant, to deal with this! However, the money is helping us get really close to our goal.
The kids have lost their minds. I want no more writing about bodily functions! It may be terrible that they're done with their portfolios- there's not all that much that we're needing to get done in my room. We are reviewing for their math SOL test.
Henry has done well staying out of his crate while we're at work. This is his second week of being all grown up, and he seems to be handling it quite well. No accidents or mass destruction.
Today I learned that my principal doesn't trust the other staff at the school not to eat each others' lunches. We had to write everyone's names on their bag. Just in case.
You are SO WRONG. My cats are way cuter. Like Isaac, who accidentally burned off half his whiskers last night. Too hilarious...