Sunday, January 22, 2006


I've lost eight pounds since Christmas. I'm doing it by keeping my claories at 1450 per day, give or take. I have 1 1/2 cups of frosted cheerios with 3/4 cups skim will for breakfast. (About 225 calories) I have a Luna bar for a midmorning snack- 180 calories. I have a Lean Cuisine meal for lunch- 240-280 calories. I have a Pria shake for a midafternoon snack- 170 calories. I have another Lean Cuisine meal for dinner- 240-380 calories. Then, I have skim milk and cookies (90 calories and 100 calories- I use the prepackaged cookies) for an evening snack. I haven't had much trouble with the hypoglycemia.
My favorite Lean Cuisine meals: any of the new paninis, the margherita pizza, four cheese canniloni, beef portabello, basil chicken, chicken with peanut sauce, thai style chicken... I really do like them. I've gotten used to eating the smaller portions. I used to be okay with them for lunch but not dinner. It seemed so small!
Tomorrow we're going to a Chinese restaurant for a coworker's birthday. I'll be having egg drop soup, thank you. The least unhealthy things there have cooked veggies in them, and I can't handle veggies. So the soup is pretty low calorie.
This weekend has been pretty slow. I've gotten lots of work done for teaching and grad school, which is nice. I'm working on doing lesson plans far in advance so I'm sure to get the VGLA done. However, tomorrow I'll be getting a new student on my caseload- woo hoo! Another eligibility meeting!
Today I learned that Henry thinks I'm a jungle gym when I'm lying on the sofa. He has no inhibitions about climbing all over me.

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