Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cold Day

Today I've been so cold!  When we arrived at school, we discovered that the power had gone out Saturday, causing our heating to stop working.  The school was freezing!  They had to get a part and fix it this morning.  It came on around 10:30.  At 11:00, our power went out for about 45 minutes.  The heat worked after that, but my fingers still haven't thawed yet.
I got a letter from the school administration building today informing me that I'm highly qualified in all areas of elementary education.  I knew I was, my coworkers knew I was, my principal knew I was.  Now I have the official paperwork that secures my title as "highly qualified," one of the biggest loads of bull#%$& to ever hit public education.
Now Troy and I are just spending a quiet evening hanging out with Henry.  I'm still cold.
Today I learned that its nearly impossible to schedule meetings with some parents.  Especially divorced, antagonistic parents that travel all the time and leave raising their emotionally scarred children with other people.

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