Monday, October 24, 2005

A Happy Birthday Week

Today was the best day of my "birthday week." The speech-language pathologist and I found out that we won a $1,000 grant to do a reading project. Its a big deal- only about half the people who applied got a grant, and we got a pretty big one. Our principal was so excited for us!

The birthday weekend wasn't so bad either. We went to Richmond on Saturday, where we ate at Chipotle and I picked out my birthday present- the iPod nano. I never thought I'd want one, but now I'm so glad I have one. I have an aux input in the truck, and Troy already had the cord. So I've been able to listen to my iPod in the car without taking the dash apart and buying expensive cables. (Teresa- bring your iPod on our trip- better than CDs!) We also went to Sarah Christopherson Howes' going away party. She and her new husband are moving to Venezuela for several years. He works for the secret service. I'm kind of jealous- I don't know that I have enough adventure in my life. I guess you could call grad school an adventure, but not really.

Troy got me a birthday cake from Dairy Queen. I hardly ever eat ice cream anymore! It tasted really good. I did so many loads of laundry yesterday and tidied up a bit. Nothing too exciting.

Today (yesterday, actually) I learned that twenty-six candles can make a small cake look like a forest fire.

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