Monday, October 10, 2005

About a month behind...

I think fall might actually be here. Its was chilly today, and Troy isn't feeling well. I really hope its not strep throat. I don't want to get sick this early in the year.

Today has been really quiet without the kids. I didn't get as much done as I would've liked, but that's the way it always is. I'm ready for a presentation I have tonight at grad school, and I've gotten a lot of studying done for my midterm next Monday. Hopefully I'm working well enough ahead so that there isn't a need to panic. I went out to lunch with three of the four third grade teachers. It seems like an awfully grownup thing to do, going to lunch with a bunch of teacher. I still feel like I'm ten years old and pretending to be an adult.

Last night, Henry jumped up on the sofa in the sewing room (the one covered in Nana's old clothes) and fell right asleep. He looked so cute curled up amongst the garrish fabrics and strange textures. He was really happy, though. We don't let him on the bed anymore, so he has to get comfy where he can.

Today I learned that I'm too suseptible to the powers of suggestion. As soon as Troy said he wasn't feeling well (headache and sore throat), my head started to hurt.

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