Wednesday, May 04, 2005


My whole day has been spent in raptured bliss, looking at catalogues and deciding how to spend my school allowance. I've picked everything out now, and I'm getting some good stuff. I'm glad I've been frugal with some of the supplies that I inherited in the present room I'm in. Less stuff to have to buy.

The principal and assistant principal are gone today. I actually like it better without them. They don't do anything anyways. Boy if I'm not sounding really disillusioned these days.

My health is slightly better. The cough is not as horrid and I slept really well last night. Fortunately I didn't sleep TOO well, which was the problem the previous night. Looking over the topics for today's post, I realize that my life is incredibly boring and mundane.

Henry is as cute as ever. He's so excited to get loved on when you let him out of his crate in the mornings. He can barely get down the steps because he's so wiggly.

Today I learned that I'm really improving as a teacher. The proof? My absolute hero/role model, Mrs. Burns, told me that she really wasn't sure what the school would do without me. I thought I was going to explode, I felt to proud. She thinks I'm great!

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