Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm sooooo stupid.

Not really- but I feel like it sometimes. I was in the OT/PT room and noticed this thing called a "Dizzy Disc" for sitting and standing. I stood on it and spun around some. Now I'm not feeling well at all. Not my brightest moment.

Yesterday's bagel pizzas were a hit. They came out really well, and the kids were pretty well behaved. I'm trying to keep their behavior okay as long as possible. They'll get "summer brain" soon and be good for nothing. Never mind the fact that I have the aforementioned affliction.

I've decided to do book bags this summer to use next year. I'll put a book, a toy, a journal, and an instruction sheet in each bag and send them home every couple of weeks. I've heard most kids and parents really like them. I'll probably make my own bags. It'll be labor intensive, but I think it'll be worth it. The toys will probably come from the dollar store- my favorite place. Maybe Kelly will help me if she comes for a week during the summer.

I'm on my own for dinner tonight. I'm thinking WW pizza. Mmmm... I also need some more WW ice cream cones. I love the last bite, where there's frozen chocolate in the very tip of the cone. I'm hungry already. Not a great sign.

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