Monday, April 18, 2005

Self Portraits

My students created some really great paintings today. For example, I have a student who is bald as an egg due to a skin condition. He painted himself with a huge orange afro. Another, who is usually quite uncreative, painted himself as a television with arms and legs and holding a basketball. I think he wants to be Salvador Dali when he grows up. The TV explains a lot, though. I can tell which students have fried their brains on too much of the boob tube.

Along with painting, I got quite a few grad school things accomplished today, which feels nice. I finished the first of my three take-home finals. I completed all the portions needed for the tobacco scholarship. I registered for classes and got information on student loans. Whew. It was a busy day.

On another note, I've extricated myself from the emotionally exhausting situation I described before my trip to Baltimore. I mean, the student is still on my case load and in my class. However, I am not taking anything personally and not doing anything that could be described as "above and beyond the call of duty." I don't mind the above and beyond unless it comes back to bite me in the rear end. I'm pretty happy now, thanks.

I ate well, exercised, and got a lot done. What more could I want?!?

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