Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Green Valley Book Fair

I absolutely love the GVBF. We went today (its two hours away, so its not an every weekend event), and I bought $400 worth of books for $130. Very spectacular. They have a lot of the popular books that are slightly damaged or aren't selling so great. They have tons of children's books and books for teachers. They have fiction, non-fiction, reference, EVERYTHING! It was heaven. I can't wait to finish the hilarious book on Australia by Bill Bryson so that I can start on some of my new books.

That's the highlight of my weekend. Yesterday I finished my billionth load of laundry for the week and got the prescription filled for the little patch I wore behind my ear today to prevent motion sickness. It worked well. I think it still made me pretty drowsy (or it could be that I didn't sleep so well last night), but I didn't get sick with Troy driving like a mad man through the mountains.

Henry is doing well. I haven't talked about him much. He's gone several days with no accidents in the house, but we keep him in his crate if he goes out and won't do anything. It was cold and raining this morning and Henry decided to be a diva. He didn't pee, so I put him back in his crate and promptly left town for eight hours. He really had to go when we got home.

High note of this past week? Painting the guest room (I think it looks super!) and finishing that huge research paper. Highlight of the coming week? Only working two days before heading to Baltimore for the Council for Exceptional Children Conference. I feel so professional!

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