Monday, February 21, 2005

Strep Throat by Marie

I learned in college how to tell if I had strep. After the year that I had it four times in about six months, I should be a doctor myself. However, I can't prescribe my own antibiotics, so I'm stuck with the advice of a real doctor. It did get me out of two days of school! (We'll skip the detail on me calling my sub at home to check up on things... I'm a little too controlling) My antibiotics aren't helping the sore throat, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Troy and I are having a conversation right now about indenting paragraphs. I would like to hit the tab key and get a nice indentation in my paragraph. I had to manually enter spaces. It will probably mess everything up. (Note: after publication, I discovered that even with spaces, it doesn't indent. So much for being into correct grammar and composition.)

Midterms this week. Ugh. I have my testing accommodations set up, so hopefully they'll go well. I showed my 504 form to Alex, the student I tutor. He's a bit embarrassed about having to go out of the room to take his tests, and I hope he'll be inspired by my own efforts to increase my abilities. We'll see!

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