Friday, October 28, 2005

Oooh! Oooh!

I'm trying to wait as patiently as I can for Mom and Dad to get here. I spent most of the afternoon cleaning house, and then Troy and I went to dinner and ran errands. The house is clean, and we're ready for our company. I wish they lived closer. I think Troy's parents live farthest way that I'd want Mom and Dad- two and a half hours. You can go down and back in a day if you have to, and if you just go for the weekend, you don't feel like you spent the whole weekend driving.

Last year, I had to put out lots of fires with the students. This year, I feel like I'm dealing with a lot of conflict with the legal side of my job. I ruffled feathers when I went to the principal about being asked to baby-sit a fourth grade student. Its illegal unless its in his IEP, and the principal has to approve changing the IEP. Then, I have to deal with labeling kids with various disabilities and being pressured to give labels that I don't agree with. My kids are great. Its the adults that are starting to get on my nerves.

We don't have much planned this weekend. The school's big fundraiser, a carnival, is tomorrow. I'm going to take the 'rents so they can see my new classroom. I probably should've cleaned it up, by I was ready to sprint out of the building today. I didn't think I could deal with anymore time in that room. So they'll have to see it messy. We may also go look at bathtubs. Big time excitement!

Today I learned that iPod nano tubes (a case for the nano) are impossible to find in an actual store.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Much Better

I'm not nearly so cranky today. I feel like I got so much accomplished! I started testing on a student that had been absent for a long time. I had a good math class with my co-teacher (after a sit-down- she didn't like my "on the fly" criticism of her treatment of a student). We're very mature about handling our differences. I like that. I talked to my principal about an issue I'm having over "baby-sitting" a fourth grade student, and she was very receptive and dealt with things well. Plus, I get to go home and make sugar cookie hands for a project tomorrow.

Class last night was, again, a travesty. That guy can't stay on task to save his life! I realize that ADHD shouldn't be an excuse not to follow your dreams. However, this professor isn't a capable teacher. He's driving me crazy.

What else... Not much. Henry and I will practice for our last class on Tuesday. He's getting better about things. I don't think I'll enroll him for class in the spring, but I will keep working on him out of class. Maybe when grad school is over, we can go on.\

Today I learned that my principal thinks I'm too agreeable and that people are trying to take advantage of me. (I, however, think I know my boundaries and when to say no.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pessimistic Post

I am tired. Why, I'm not sure. I went to bed at 9:15 last night. I did get up and run two miles at six a.m., but you'd think that nearly nine hours of sleep should be enough.

I love the haircut. The second day is always the day of truth- never the day that you get it done. I haven't been "styling" my hair in several months, so it was weird to actually work at drying it. I've been just tipping my head upside down and blowing it till its mostly dry.

I have my crazy-professor class tonight. I will be so glad when this class is over. I'm not sure I can stand much more of this!!! However, we're over halfway to the end of the semester, and I think I'll survive. Maybe.

Today I learned that some people will only be nice to you when they want you to do them a big, inconvenient favor.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

100th Post

Quite a milestone! Yesterday was a good day. I got back my test from my instructional strategies class- an A. I think it was the hardest A I've ever gotten.

Today hasn't been quite so spectacular. I did get up and exercise, which I had to work hard to convince myself to do- bed was so comfortable. I was a crab apple with my students, and I scratched my leg on the car door. Then Henry got excited and scratched my face. He barely missed my eye.

I got a hair cut, and I think it looks nice. We'll have to see how it looks tomorrow.

Today I learned that Henry is easily "stressed" by his surroundings (according to the obedience teachers).

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Happy Birthday Week

Today was the best day of my "birthday week." The speech-language pathologist and I found out that we won a $1,000 grant to do a reading project. Its a big deal- only about half the people who applied got a grant, and we got a pretty big one. Our principal was so excited for us!

The birthday weekend wasn't so bad either. We went to Richmond on Saturday, where we ate at Chipotle and I picked out my birthday present- the iPod nano. I never thought I'd want one, but now I'm so glad I have one. I have an aux input in the truck, and Troy already had the cord. So I've been able to listen to my iPod in the car without taking the dash apart and buying expensive cables. (Teresa- bring your iPod on our trip- better than CDs!) We also went to Sarah Christopherson Howes' going away party. She and her new husband are moving to Venezuela for several years. He works for the secret service. I'm kind of jealous- I don't know that I have enough adventure in my life. I guess you could call grad school an adventure, but not really.

Troy got me a birthday cake from Dairy Queen. I hardly ever eat ice cream anymore! It tasted really good. I did so many loads of laundry yesterday and tidied up a bit. Nothing too exciting.

Today (yesterday, actually) I learned that twenty-six candles can make a small cake look like a forest fire.