Friday, December 30, 2005

Ahh... Vacation

We are all finally home again and enjoying vacation time. Poor Troy had to go to work yesterday and today. Henry and I are just hanging out around the house. I did seven loads of laundry yesterday. Henry has been very cute about wanting to be right by us since we brought him home from the kennel. He'd been very healthy, but this morning he puked up his whole breakfast. I don't know what the deal is with that.

We enoyed the cruise very much. Too much good food. I've been working on my eating since we got back. Between going to the dietician awhile back and finding foods that really work for me, I think I'm making my own diet plan that'll work well.

Today I learned that Henry may just always be a very pukey dog.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I have to go to work?!?

Although my coming week consists of two days of work, it is going to be hard. First, we've been out for four days (two for snow, two for the weekend). Second, the kids aren't going to want to do anything. Third, I'm excited about the break!

We had a good visit to Raleigh. We always eat too much, but we had some fun shopping. Becky and I have been watching too much Oprah. We went today to get bra fittings- both of us were wearing the wrong size.

We also saw King Kong today. It was okay, but very very intense.

Today I learned that the life of a bra is about 100 wearings. I guess my bras from high school are a bit old, then.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Cute, Bizarre Story by My Student

My nutcracker's name is Nicole. She is a ballerina nutcracker. She has a mom and a dad, and she lives with her sister and her brother. She has a big sister. Her big sister's name is Janelle. Janelle is nine years old and Nicole is seven years old. They live together and they share a room. They don't always like to share a room because they argue and fuss all the time. Sometimes they get in trouble with their mom because their mom does not like them to fight at all. When they start fighting, their mom makes them hug so they'll never fight again.
When Nicole left the house to walk, she discovered something from the woods and she walked down to the woods and she saw this thing that has magical powers. It will give her any wish that she wants. She wished that her sister was gone. Then, when she went home, she went upstairs to her room and she looked for her sister. Her sister was nowhere to be found. She started to worry that if she didn't get her sister back she would be in big trouble.
She went back to the forest to see if the tree would give her another wish and the tree began to think. 'Should I give you another wish?'
She told him that he should because she would get in big trouble if she didn't get her sister back. The tree told her that first she had to do something, and then she could have her sister back.
The tree said, 'You must go to the prince's house and meet him and dance with him at the ball tonight.' She said, 'How am I going to get to dance with the prince? I don't even know him.'
The tree said, 'That's why you have to go and meet him. If you don't dance with him, I won't give you another wish.'
She asked the tree where the prince lived. He said, 'Go two blocks from your house and you will see the big castle. That is where the prince lives. Meet him and ask him to dance.'
She met the prince, and the prince said she was very beautiful. Then the prince said, 'Sure, I would love to dance with you.' They danced and then she went back to the tree.
The tree said, 'Since you have danced with the prince, you can have one more wish.'
She said, 'I wish to have my sister back.' She went home, went up to her room, and saw that her sister was there. She was so happy that she hugged her sister for a long time. The End.

** Makes you want to give your sister a hug, doesn't it?!?**

Sunday, December 11, 2005

We Love Katamari!

Hi, My name is Marie, and I am a Katamari addict.  So Troy bought this video game where the character runs around rolling stuff up into a big ball.  I am obsessed.
I spent most of today doing laundry and studying for my final tomorrow.  I also ran for an hour this morning- 4 miles.  I'm going to back off next week.  I just wanted to see if I could do an hour.
Henry appears to be feeling better.  No accidents in the house and no puking.  We like that.
Today I learned that Andy Kaufman was on the first episode of SNL.

Friday, December 09, 2005

If only every week was a three-day week.

Yes, the ice did come through and school was cancelled today. I shouldn't be so pleased about it, I guess. I'm as bad as my students, if not worse. I don't think I'll pray for snow days so feverishly once grad school is over with.

I used the extra time to run for 47 minutes, watch a Tivo-ed movie, and meet with my study group for Monday's final. I sure home I get some studying done this weekend. I don't feel very prepared right now. And I don't have much motivation to get prepared.

Henry seems to be feeling better after three meals with his pancreatic enzymes. I'm hoping that takes care of the problem. He eats the pills with his food and doesn't seem to notice that I've snuck medicine in. No peanut butter or other hiding substances. He's been sleeping well and no recent accidents. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Today I learned that Henry growls at little girls who want to take his chews. Henry learned that when he growls at little girls, he immediately goes to his crate.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More Snow!

I'm sure keeping my fingers crossed that we get some nasty ice and snow tonight. That would really rock. Henry got sick again last night, so I took in a "sample" to the vet and brought him to school with me to keep an eye on him. I didn't realize it, but he's lots four or five pounds in the last month or so. I hope the vet can find something out. I'm a little worried.

Today I learned that a Leatherman constitutes a weapon at my school. Good thing it wasn't mine and I wasn't the one found with it. Just one of my students- five day suspension.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Snow Day

Today was just a one hour delay, but yesterday was a whole snow day! It was beautiful, especially since Lynchburg College was closed and I didn't have to go to class. (Boy do I need to start studying for my final on Monday...) I did get some work done with my friend Meghan from school. I also watched a pretty bad movie, but it was so bad I couldn't stop (Chasing Liberty with Mandy Moore).

Our weekend was good- very relaxing with no big expectations or activities besides the tennis match. I did get schoolwork done for grad school over the weekend. That and laundry.

Not much else going on. I'm tremendously busy, but the semester is almost over and Christmas break is nearly here.

Today I learned that the kindergarten teachers at my school can be really selfish and not nice. I also learned that the fourth grade teachers are swell! (The kindergarten teachers had fits that I needed an aide for an hour and that the principal assigned me theirs... The fourth grade teachers gave me their aide instead. How sweet!)

Friday, December 02, 2005


The weekend has actually arrived. I wish I didn't have so much work to do. We are on our way back from the Genworth charity tennis match. I didn't really care so much for the tennis. I thought it was boring. On our way back to the car I heard someone say my Oak Ridge name. It was one of Teresa's friends from high school. I'm amazed she remembered me. So that was pretty cool. So tomorrow is back to studying for me. Hopefully I can get a lot accomplished. Today I learned that Andre Agassi is pretty funny.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I ran two miles today.  However, I can't seem to get my act together to study for my final exam in a week and a half.  I've started, but my motivation is lagging.  There's also so much "stuff" to do for my job.  I feel really really really bogged down.
Today I learned that the flu shot always makes my arm hurt.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Last Couple of Days

So I said I'd finish up with Thanksgiving.  Friday we went to Nana and Grandpa's house to do clean up.  We got tons taken care of, and we had lunch at Chipotle.  Just before Troy and I headed home, we went to visit Nana at Riderwood.  We were pretty impressed with the place.  I've been to lots of nursing homes, and this one is the best by far.  It didn't even smell like pee!  We left Maryland and headed back home, getting in at nine or so.  Saturday I did school work, and Troy's parents came to visit on Sunday.  They took us Christmas shopping- we got luggage and clothes for the Christmas cruise.

So far this week work has been okay.  I feel better having finished so much for grad school, but things are getting more and more intense with work.  I'm getting new students and I can't put off starting the portfolio assessments much longer.  I went to the neurologist today, and he seemed pleased with the progress in my face.  I guess most people can't tell.  I'm still not back to where I'd like to be, but I can make do with what I've got.

Henry appears to have gotten over his gastrointestinal bug, thank goodness.  That got old really quickly.

Today I learned that if the nerves in your face grow back wrong, you'll tear up while you salivate or twitch your mouth when you blink.  Imagine!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I should be working on some of my papers for grad school, but I've already put in over an hour this morning. Time for a break! Henry's in his crate in the basement and Troy's still asleep, so I have the house all to myself.

We drove up Wednesday evening to Debby's house. It took over five hours instead of the usual three and a half, but we got in around seven or so. We then drove over the Grandpa's house and had dinner with Jack, Debby, Mom, Dad, and Grandpa. (Kelly, Lauren, and I had several conversations about how we still call it Nana and Grandpa's house, although Nana doesn't live there anymore.) Mom had cooked some recipes that she learned from her cooking lessons, and they were so good! We talked and visited a lot, then headed back to Debby's.

Troy wasn't feeling all that great, and he slept until nearly noon on Thursday. I started the carrot souffle and oyster casserole while Debby and Jack went to the gym. I've never cooked with oysters before, and the dish was especially for Grandpa. I then just hung out for the day, helping Debby when I could. People starting arriving at the house around 4 pm, and we ate at around 5:30. Kelly and Lauren seemed okay about being at Debby's house, and Johnny was very much at ease. Debby's kids were around, too.

Nana was absolutely ready to eat. She kept picking at the dishes, although we were trying to get everything ready to have a little buffet. We got her to the table, and she was trying to pick the little pumpkins off the decorations to eat. I also had to get sharp with her to keep her from drinking my coke. I finally got her plate ready, and she dug in. When we went around and said what we were thankful for, Nana said, in a rather amusing tone, "This food!" It was rather tasty food. Good turkey, potatoes, veggies, rolls... Mmmmmm. Nana also had three desserts.

After dinner, we all kind of pitched in with dishes or Nana-sitting. I got really bored (I've found that since I'm over my three weeks of feeling like &#%$ I can't sit still much) so Kelly, Mom and I went to Grandpa's house and started sorting Nana's clothes. We did that for about three hours, then I took Kelly back to her dad's. We had a good long talk, and it was interesting to see Kelly's perspectives on her warped family life.

I'll post about Friday later. My fingers are tired!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

End of the Week

Tomorrow is a half day workday, so today was our last day of the week with students. I really like school better when there aren't any children here.

When I was younger, I had a lot of obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Most of that has gone away, except for one small thing. I still have a really hard time with strange body noises. Let me tell you- this cold season at work just might do me in. All the sniffling and snuffling and hacking and wheezing- these kids are really gross sometimes! Not to mention Troy. I was really glad that he decided to work from home today. He probably didn't rest as much as he should- I told him to take a nap.

Today I learned, that when running reports on educational testing, you should use the correct birthdate. If you say that a child was born a year later than they really were, it skews your results. A lot.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Wonderful Monday

It was so nice to be back at work and not feel like a zombie. I feel like I got so much accomplished- I finished testing a student, wrote up his evaluation, was incredibly useful during math class... The kids seemed really excited to have me back in spirit and body, not just in body.

Troy's fever is at 100.3 and he is hacking and coughing and making the most obnoxious noises. Its starting to get on my nerves.

Today I learned that my SPED 644 paper isn't due in three weeks. Its due next week.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I forgot to mention in my earlier post from today that we went to the Harry Potter movie.  I really, really, really didn't like it.  I thought it stunk.

Dare I Say It?

Am I... gasp... better? I actually used the word "good" to describe how I felt today. I can't believe that its only been three weeks since the start of the Bell's palsy. It seems like forever, what with the face and the cough and all the icky medicine I've been on. I haven't taken any medicine since about 2:30 am on Saturday. I took some hydrocodone- BAD IDEA. I will never take anything else with codine or " cet" at the end. I felt so gross yesterday, just because of the medicine. However, I feel good today and got some homework done!

Unfortunately, Troy is now sick.

This week should be pretty low key. The students only come tomorrow and Tuesday, and the teachers only have to work half a day on Wednesday. I need to finish some educational testing tomorrow, write a couple of reports, and do my progress notes. Fun stuff.

I learned that Nana is now living in a nursing home. I'm so relieved- I was very worried about her. I was also glad to hear that Grandpa is feeling okay about the decision. Sixty years of living with Nana being aggravating must've been a long time. I'd've gotten tired of it myself. However, now that she's lost her mind, I find her to be quite pleasant.

Today I learned that clementines are out in the grocery stores. I bought a big box. Mmmmm.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I felt pretty icky all day. My cough is as bad as it was on Monday when I went to the doctor. I took my last prednisone this morning, so I'm hoping to get that out of my system completely in short order.

Work tomorrow should be pretty stressful with the meeting I'm not looking forward to having. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

Today I learned that I've eaten too much over the last couple of days. I need to get better and get out of the friggin' house.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I feel marginally better, probably thanks to the average of 14 hours of sleep per day I'm getting. I also got some work done on a paper and an IEP today. Not enough forward motion, but this weekend should be pretty bland. Poor Troy had a hard beginning to his work week, so he'll need the weekend to rest up as well.

The weather is turning, and I'm very glad. I'm ready for it to get cold.

Today I learned that my substitute has been following my plans too closely- she wouldn't let the speech language pathologist take the kids she needed to see because I hadn't left it in my plans. Sheesh.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

More Ickiness

I slept until about 1 pm today, with an hour up and around about eight. So, last night, I got about 14 hours of sleep. And I'm exhausted again. My goal is to stay in the house until Friday morning when I absolutely have to go back to work. Most of the prednisone will be out of my system and I can get some more rest over the weekend. I'm scared that grad school isn't going to have such great rewards for me this semester. So much for straight As- I guess killing myself to get them isn't a good idea, eh?

The trip to DC, or what I remember of it, was good. There was an awful lot of medicine in me most of the time. Unfortunately, I cannot get the image of changing Nana's diaper out of my head. Poor Nana- its so sad to see her wearing nearly every piece of clothing she owns. She's always been kind of spacy, so that's not such a shock at this point. I really enjoyed hanging out with Teresa so much. I wish she lived closer, but I don't think the quality time would be so quality if I saw her more. I think the fact that our time together riding around and taking care of family is so seldom that we can really take advantage of it.

Well, I'm pooped now. Time to go lay down. Maybe I have mono. That's the last time I felt so tired.

Today I learned that my boss is pretty cool after all- she'll leave the PTO meeting at 9 pm and drop off a disk I need at the house. Just so I'll feel better and don't have to go out.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


What a cruddy week. Hopefully I'll be feeling better and will stop whining soon. I'm just so tired of the prednisone and coughing. However, tomorrow will be an easy day at work, and then Teresa comes!

My face does look so much better now. I'm getting lots of compliments on the improvement, and I must say, its nice not to have Troy compare me to Quasimodo. (He really does love me...) Blinking is still very weak, and Troy told me today that I'm only blinking the eye when I put effort into it. When I just blink with normal force, its not closing.

On a really good note, I'd like to say that we are seeing fall foliage here. I really didn't think we would this year, after a drought and now temps in the upper seventies. The maples are pretty, and the tulip poplars have turned. I do love fall. Now if the temperatures would just drop by about twenty degrees...

Today I learned that I can actually do some stats. Not much, but a very little bit (variance and standard deviance- that's stats, right?)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day

I voted in Virginia's gubernatorial race today. Its a pretty close race, and I'm interested in seeing who'll win. Voting was just one of several things I got around to doing today. I got all my new passport stuff together (for passport number four... man), went to the bank, had lunch with Meghan, and bought educational supplies. I relaxed this afternoon and stressed out a bit about my health.

I have developed a cough. This cough requires Dayquil and Nightquil. It makes my chest hurt and my ears pop. My cheeks are getting even more purple between the prednisone and coughing. Which reminds me... I'd better take my prednisone soon, or I'll forget.

My face has improved. I don't think I'm up to my contacts yet and my ear is still funky. However, I think most muscle movement is back and going well. Its much less noticeable, so I'm told.

On an interesting note, my friend Meghan and I got into religion a bit today. She refers to herself as a liberal, practicing Christian. She asked me today how I felt about death, considering that I think that when you die, that's it. I was a bit bothered that she doesn't really understand my religious beliefs. Its not that I don't believe in God and heaven and all that... I just don't know exactly what it is that I believe. I'm open to God or no God, heaven or no heaven, etc. I try to live my life in a manner that will get me into heaven if it exists. I just don't have a blind faith in one particular direction. I really wish I did, sometimes. It'd be nice to be able to believe for the sake of having a church to go to and a religion to call my own. I suppose one phrase sums up my beliefs right now- "We'll see."

Today I learned that its hard to spend a lot of money when you're trying to force yourself to spend a lot of money. Its when you don't have a lot that you want to spend a lot.

Monday, November 07, 2005


What a day! It was so hard to get up when that alarm went off this morning. It didn't help that I didn't really know what to expect today. We get our weekly memos on Friday, so I didn't know if there were any surprise meetings today. There weren't any surprise ones, just an expected one that took over an hour.

After just an hour of being here, I was pooped. I stoically carried on, and the kids were good. The sub left good notes about the days I was out, which always makes a teacher really happy. We actually got some work done, and I got plans together for the rest of the week. The meeting that took forever was during my lunch time and past, so I ended up not seeing any students this afternoon. I had to leave the kids with their teachers so I could get some food in me. The meeting was bad because we couldn't agree with the parents about their child's disability. Mom firmly felt that he needed to continue services while we felt strongly that he didn't need them anymore. Plus, that little conference room got so hot! After I left, a little girl in my math class said, "Mrs. Mchenry, your cheeks are purple!" Sheesh. We think we worked out a compromise, but the next week or so could get pretty hairly around here.

I'm going to class this afternoon, even if I am tired. However, I may treat myself to a little frappacino on my way in. Something cold and sweet never hurt anyone, right?

Today I learned that special education law can really hurt feelings.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Plateau in Improvement

Bad Bell's Palsy, bad! This morning was the first morning since starting prednisone that I didn't notice any improvement. In fact, my eye bothered me a lot. I think an eye lash got loose and it took me too long to get it out. My blinking, although easier and requiring less effort to get the lid down, is still very weak. My ear is also still very sensitive. The only reason its really bothering me is that I have a cough, and coughing hurts my ear. Sorry to complain.

Tomorrow I'm going back in for a full day of work. I would probably try to do a half day, except that I have an important eligibility meeting at 12:30. That's past the half day mark, so there's not point in me going home before grad school. Maybe I'll take a nap in the clinic for an hour or so. I finished the rough draft of one of my grad school projects, which is a huge load off my shoulders. I just hope the prof likes it and doesn't want too much changed.

Henry has been just as cute as a button. I gave him a bath today since the weather was so nice (almost eighty degrees in November!), and he was pretty good about it. He hasn't had a bath in months. Since he stays indoors, he stays pretty clean. He's calming down some, but he's still got a lot of puppy in him.

Today I learned that lots of penguin chicks freeze to death in the Antarctic winter (we saw "March of the Penguins" this afternoon) and their stiff little bodies are quite depressing.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Yelling is not good for Bell's Palsy

As I discovered while quite angry at Troy. My ten minute tirade got me several hours in bed and a small set back. However, Troy says that he thinks I've improved by thirty to fourty percent. My left eyebrow actually moves a little bit all by itself! You can tell when I'm smiling and happy on both sides of my face. Pretty exciting, eh?

I've been working on a research project a lot today. I think I'm nearly done with it. I'm kind of glad that its just a "rough draft," although that means I'll have to do more work on it when it comes back with suggestions. I think I'd prefer to just turn the thing in when I think I'm done with it and have it come back graded. However, it is just one of three projects due toward the end of the semester. It is also the only one I've really started on.

I don't know what I'll find to occupy myself tomorrow. The laundry is done, reading is no fun with my glasses on (I did try my contacts today- no dice), I guess I'll have to play with Henry and actually talk to my husband. Hmmm...

Today I learned that public laws published on the Internet do not list authors.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Improvement Noted!

There is some minor improvement in my condition. My lip is able to smile a little bit, the muscles in my cheek are responding a teeny bit, and blinking is a little easier. The prednisone has given me chipmunk cheeks, but that's okay. I'd rather have chubby cheeks that move than thin cheeks that don't work right.

The pain is lessening some, as well. The hearing in my left ear is still terribly sensitive to loud sounds. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Henry has had a wonderful time staying home with me. However, he isn't too good at entertaining himself while I try to get some papers written (stupid grad school). So he's in his crate and out of my way for now.

Not much else to report. I'm in good spirits!

Today I learned that I think Jennifer Garner is a good actress. "13 Going on 30" was pretty cute.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More of the same.

That's about all there is to this. The pain is less today, thank goodness. My mouth is still funky, and I look pretty strange. However, I feel okay. I did lay down and take a forty-five minute nap in the clinic just to humor Mom. Its so much trouble to arrange for a sub. I'll just try to take it as easy as I can and still be here.

The assistant principal read aloud to my students to save my lips some work. After the conference and visiting with people today, my mouth is tired and I'm not ennunciating well.

Tonight was conference night, as is Thursday night. One parent signed up to talk to me, and they just left. It was pretty successful. I spent my extra time cleaning my room up. It looks pretty nice.

Tonight is also Henry's last night of obedience classes. Hopefully it will go well!

Today I learned that I have about a 48 hour tolerance for feeling crappy.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Watch for Falling Cheerios

The first part of this will be whining. My head hurts. My ear hurts. When Henry barks, it sounds like a gun firing by my left ear. When I chew or talk too much, the right side of my face works so hard that it pulls my nose and lips over, making my mouth very uncomfortable. There. I'm done.

No improvement today. Not that I expected it, but I laid in bed this morning taking an inventory. Eyebrows? Still going up unevenly. Lips? Still unable to whistle well or pull them over my teeth. Tongue? Still tingly. I had to wait until I took the eye thingy off to see that I'm still not blinking the left eye without a lot of effort.

While I was eating my breakfast, Cheerios kept falling out of the left side of my mouth.

School was okay. I stayed until 12:30. I was just really uncomfortable, so I came home and napped. I didn't want to miss my class this afternoon (reading comprehension week- woo hoo). Most people didn't notice that my face was funny; they just commented that I'm wearing my classes. Some people thought I looked sad. I said they just weren't looking at my good side.

When I came home from class at 6:30, the neighborhood was swarming with people. It was crazy. I can't even begin to guess how many people must've come through. I had to take Henry out for a walk, and he barked at all the kids in their costumes. I think he scared some people.

Today I learned that the doctor may not have given me prednisone because it can accelerate viral growth. (Thanks, Vicky!)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Damn You, Dr. Bell!

Maybe I shouldn't be so mad, after all, he didn't create this stupid paralysis, just described it first. The left side of my face isn't working so well, and it could take two weeks for it to even start to get better. In the meantime, no contacts, no normal smiles, and a really funny expression when I laugh. I have to remember- it could be worse. My normal functioning isn't impaired, and the only serious side effect to look for is an ulcer on my eye. I can avoid that with my super expensive eye drops.

I had a wonderful visit from Mom and Dad. We ate good food, watched good football (I think it was good football- I didn't really pay attention), and talked a lot. I wish they lived closer. Troy had a good time, too. Boy, he loves football.

I'm not excited about school tomorrow. First of all, I look a little odd. Second, its Halloween. That's a huge, crazy day for us. I hope I can maintain my sanity!

Today I learned that 60-70% of Bell's palsy cases are believed to be caused by the same virus that causes fever blisters. Thanks, Mom.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Oooh! Oooh!

I'm trying to wait as patiently as I can for Mom and Dad to get here. I spent most of the afternoon cleaning house, and then Troy and I went to dinner and ran errands. The house is clean, and we're ready for our company. I wish they lived closer. I think Troy's parents live farthest way that I'd want Mom and Dad- two and a half hours. You can go down and back in a day if you have to, and if you just go for the weekend, you don't feel like you spent the whole weekend driving.

Last year, I had to put out lots of fires with the students. This year, I feel like I'm dealing with a lot of conflict with the legal side of my job. I ruffled feathers when I went to the principal about being asked to baby-sit a fourth grade student. Its illegal unless its in his IEP, and the principal has to approve changing the IEP. Then, I have to deal with labeling kids with various disabilities and being pressured to give labels that I don't agree with. My kids are great. Its the adults that are starting to get on my nerves.

We don't have much planned this weekend. The school's big fundraiser, a carnival, is tomorrow. I'm going to take the 'rents so they can see my new classroom. I probably should've cleaned it up, by I was ready to sprint out of the building today. I didn't think I could deal with anymore time in that room. So they'll have to see it messy. We may also go look at bathtubs. Big time excitement!

Today I learned that iPod nano tubes (a case for the nano) are impossible to find in an actual store.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Much Better

I'm not nearly so cranky today. I feel like I got so much accomplished! I started testing on a student that had been absent for a long time. I had a good math class with my co-teacher (after a sit-down- she didn't like my "on the fly" criticism of her treatment of a student). We're very mature about handling our differences. I like that. I talked to my principal about an issue I'm having over "baby-sitting" a fourth grade student, and she was very receptive and dealt with things well. Plus, I get to go home and make sugar cookie hands for a project tomorrow.

Class last night was, again, a travesty. That guy can't stay on task to save his life! I realize that ADHD shouldn't be an excuse not to follow your dreams. However, this professor isn't a capable teacher. He's driving me crazy.

What else... Not much. Henry and I will practice for our last class on Tuesday. He's getting better about things. I don't think I'll enroll him for class in the spring, but I will keep working on him out of class. Maybe when grad school is over, we can go on.\

Today I learned that my principal thinks I'm too agreeable and that people are trying to take advantage of me. (I, however, think I know my boundaries and when to say no.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pessimistic Post

I am tired. Why, I'm not sure. I went to bed at 9:15 last night. I did get up and run two miles at six a.m., but you'd think that nearly nine hours of sleep should be enough.

I love the haircut. The second day is always the day of truth- never the day that you get it done. I haven't been "styling" my hair in several months, so it was weird to actually work at drying it. I've been just tipping my head upside down and blowing it till its mostly dry.

I have my crazy-professor class tonight. I will be so glad when this class is over. I'm not sure I can stand much more of this!!! However, we're over halfway to the end of the semester, and I think I'll survive. Maybe.

Today I learned that some people will only be nice to you when they want you to do them a big, inconvenient favor.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

100th Post

Quite a milestone! Yesterday was a good day. I got back my test from my instructional strategies class- an A. I think it was the hardest A I've ever gotten.

Today hasn't been quite so spectacular. I did get up and exercise, which I had to work hard to convince myself to do- bed was so comfortable. I was a crab apple with my students, and I scratched my leg on the car door. Then Henry got excited and scratched my face. He barely missed my eye.

I got a hair cut, and I think it looks nice. We'll have to see how it looks tomorrow.

Today I learned that Henry is easily "stressed" by his surroundings (according to the obedience teachers).

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Happy Birthday Week

Today was the best day of my "birthday week." The speech-language pathologist and I found out that we won a $1,000 grant to do a reading project. Its a big deal- only about half the people who applied got a grant, and we got a pretty big one. Our principal was so excited for us!

The birthday weekend wasn't so bad either. We went to Richmond on Saturday, where we ate at Chipotle and I picked out my birthday present- the iPod nano. I never thought I'd want one, but now I'm so glad I have one. I have an aux input in the truck, and Troy already had the cord. So I've been able to listen to my iPod in the car without taking the dash apart and buying expensive cables. (Teresa- bring your iPod on our trip- better than CDs!) We also went to Sarah Christopherson Howes' going away party. She and her new husband are moving to Venezuela for several years. He works for the secret service. I'm kind of jealous- I don't know that I have enough adventure in my life. I guess you could call grad school an adventure, but not really.

Troy got me a birthday cake from Dairy Queen. I hardly ever eat ice cream anymore! It tasted really good. I did so many loads of laundry yesterday and tidied up a bit. Nothing too exciting.

Today (yesterday, actually) I learned that twenty-six candles can make a small cake look like a forest fire.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I have a friend with too much drama in her life. I'm afraid, that in my attempt to defuse some of the drama, I've been added to her list of things to be dramatic about. On the funny side, she raised a fuss about something and the principal told her, "Don't be a Marie." I think I should be offended that being a ruckus-raiser makes me somehow bad in my principal's eyes, but I'm not. I've always raised a stink about things. Its just how I am.

I need to get started on my projects for grad school. So far, I've done nothing on them, and they'll be due in a month or so. I want to try and get most things done before my trip to DC with Teresa. It'd be no fun to do projects on my trip or at the last minute.

I got observed today, and my principal focused on one thing the entire time: my screen saver. It shuffles through photos of the family, but mainly Henry. Some of the pictures are great. Every time I looked at her while I taught, though, she was looking at my computer screen. Maybe I need something less distracting when she comes in next time.

Today I learned that one of my students is really ticklish when you try to paint the bottom of his foot. We're talking REALLY giggly-wiggly ticklish.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm getting really unoriginal with my titles, so I'm leaving it out today. I'm so tired. I think my exam went well yesterday, and work was good today.

Henry had a fun playdate just before his class tonight. He ran around with Stitch the corgi, Freckles the hound, and Blue the... big dog. He was so worn out that he actually behaved himself rather well! He should sleep well tonight.

I finally made an appointment to get my hair cut. Vernelle, my neighbor, is going to do it. She asked if next Tuesday was good or if I wanted to wait. She nearly had a heart attack when I told her that I hadn't had anything done to it since January. And I have the nerve to make fun of my sister's shoes...

Today I learned that I need to be more careful when entering scores into the computer for the WIAT-II, or else students will end up looking really low when they're pretty smart. (I'll probably never forget as I rewrite my entire report tomorrow...)

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I am not sure I'll sleep a wink tonight. For some reason, I am SO worked up over my instructional strategies midterm tomorrow. Its my first exam with this professor, and I've been hearing about how hard he is for a year and a half now. I've tried to study, but I'm afraid that I'll forget something crucial for the test. I'm so worried that this class will break my "amazing grades" streak. (I'll just keep telling myself that a B isn't that bad.)

We did have a good weekend in Cary. We left Henry behind, which allowed us to sleep in without fighting over who would take him out when he started to fuss. He was so glad to see us. Friday night, we got to Will and Becky's house around 7:30. Grandma (Becky's mom), Jerry (Becky's brother), and Tina (Jerry's wife) were already there. We had dinner at Bonefish, which was delicious. Saturday we slept in, and Troy and the other guys went to a sports bar to watch football. I went to Southpoint mall to look around for awhile and have some quiet time. Then, Saturday night, we went out to dinner. Will and Becky wouldn't tell us where we were going, and we arrived at an old Victorian house called "Sirios: Culinary Events." This guy bought an old house and uses it to host events. So the seven of us had the whole house, a chef, and a waiter, to ourselves for the whole evening. Crabcakes, seared tuna, salads, filet mignon, lobster, chocolate fondue, creme brulee cheesecake... It was phenomenal. It was something only Will could coordinate. Today we had lunch at Brier Creek Country Club and looked through some of Raleigh's Parade of Homes entries. We really liked the second one- 2.7 million dollars. We drove home, and have been hanging out here ever since. Trying to study instead of wishing I was still having a weekend.
Today I learned that its not a good idea to look into the neighbor's basement when Henry is there unless its unlocked or you have the key.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Okay. So the bain of my existance is the Lynchburg City schools six weeks assessments. Every six weeks, I have to read four 30-40 question multiple choice tests to children in two grades. Invariably, someone is absent or gets sick or just doesn't care. However, I finished giving the reading test today, and five of my seven third grade students passed. The reason I'm so excited? If they keep passing, I'm not allowed to do the Virginia Grade Level Assessment (a portfolio assessment consisting of tons of work) for those students. Well, I guess I should also be excited because it means I actually taught these kids something. I'm really happy.

The weather here is still kind of icky, and tonight I have my research methods class. However, that means that the week is nearing its end, and I like that. Tomorrow I'll be going with the fourth graders to Monticello. I'm in charge of a little boy whose favorite phrase is f*&$ you. Lucky me. At least there'll be nice scenery, eh?

Henry did not do well at class last night. He was the example for "sometimes dogs regress at this point in their training." Wild man.

Today I learned that I may be underestimating what my students can do.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

More Rain!

I'm not complaining. Its been so dry here. Plus, I'm kind of an oddball in that I actually like rainy days. For some reason, the sunlight always seems to drain away my cheerfulness. I'm happier when there are clouds. I know- I'm weird.

Henry and I have class tonight. We haven't been practicing as much as we should. He's really good at the long down/stay. He usually only has to be "put back" two or three times, and then he gets tired of fighting it. THey says its a great way to let dogs know you're in charge. I like using it when he gets too wound up and starts barking a lot. He'll settle down quickly.

School is going along well. I'm enjoying the group I teach. Grad school has me a little worried. I'm afraid I'm not really getting anything accomplished, and that I'll end up rushing to do things at the end of the semester. My research class especially is a little iffy. The professor is kind of strange. However, I keep reminding myself that the worst of grad school is over. I'll get through it soon enough!

Troy just has allergies and post nasal drip. Nothing terribly serious, but he slept a lot yesterday and last night.

Today I learned that Elmer's school glue doesn't hold pipe cleaners to foam shapes. Especially Halloween shapes with little googly eyes and glittering pompoms.

Monday, October 10, 2005

About a month behind...

I think fall might actually be here. Its was chilly today, and Troy isn't feeling well. I really hope its not strep throat. I don't want to get sick this early in the year.

Today has been really quiet without the kids. I didn't get as much done as I would've liked, but that's the way it always is. I'm ready for a presentation I have tonight at grad school, and I've gotten a lot of studying done for my midterm next Monday. Hopefully I'm working well enough ahead so that there isn't a need to panic. I went out to lunch with three of the four third grade teachers. It seems like an awfully grownup thing to do, going to lunch with a bunch of teacher. I still feel like I'm ten years old and pretending to be an adult.

Last night, Henry jumped up on the sofa in the sewing room (the one covered in Nana's old clothes) and fell right asleep. He looked so cute curled up amongst the garrish fabrics and strange textures. He was really happy, though. We don't let him on the bed anymore, so he has to get comfy where he can.

Today I learned that I'm too suseptible to the powers of suggestion. As soon as Troy said he wasn't feeling well (headache and sore throat), my head started to hurt.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Grandmother Obsession

I have been dwelling on my grandmothers this weekend. Not so much Meme, because I've been dwelling on her for years. This weekend was more Nana's turn. After Mom told me Friday about all the decline in her health, I got really depressed.

So depression turned to action. I started washing and cutting up the clothes I've had in my basement. Not until after I'd gotten pseudopermission from Mom, of course! With me hoarding all the old quilts from Nana, I thought I'd put something out there for the family. Now my whole sewing room smells like Nana and Grandpa's basement, even though I've washed the clothes. Maybe that will add to the charm of the quilts.

Tomorrow is a teacher work day at school- no students. Hopefully I can get some work done! My list? Progress notes, report cards, and studying for midterms. Woo hoo!

Today I learned that it was a lot harder to chop up Nana's old polyester jumpsuits than I thought it would be.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Woo hoo!

I feel like I've gotten so much done so far this weekend- and its only halfway through! We bought a "Little Green Machine" last night- a small carpet shampooing thingy. I cleaned every rug/carpet surface in our house in about six hours of work. Its highly satisfying to see all the nasty water that gets sucked up. Our carpets look new again! We'd been talking about renting a machine, but I think I'll use it more if I can just get it out whenever I want to. Okay- so I'm nuts. I had too much fun cleaning my carpets.

I also cleaned out the craft room (Troy calls it the "crap room"). The closet was a disaster, and every surface had something (or several somethings) on it. Again, more satisfaction.

Its done nothing but rain here for two days. We've gotten over five inches of rain. We really need it here, but it makes for a crummy weekend. Especially when its pouring the weekend of the Garlic Festival! We may still get out there tomorrow for it. Mmmm. Garlic burgers, goat cheese, raspberry wine... Yummy!

On a different note, I talked to Mom some yesterday about Nana. I can't believe that she's been hitting the nursing assistants that come it, and now Grandpa. It makes me so sad to think about the decline that we've seen this year. I know we didn't get along, but I think I'll always feel guilty that I didn't like her better or treat her with more respect when I was younger.

Today I learned that six hours of using the "Little Green" will make all the muscles in your fingers and arms hurt.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Is it really Tuesday?!?

The really amazing thing about my life right now is that I'm so busy that I lose track of time. Time just flies! For example, I got up at 6 am, and have been going nonstop at work. Now its almost time to go home.

Henry has class tonight. We aren't practicing as much as I think we should, but I'm doing the best I can. He's really good at heeling when I walk in a circle because we do that at class when he's paying too much attention to the other dogs. He gets him focused on me again. I've been letting him chew on his vanilla rawhide chews, and that seems to be keeping him away from our socks. However, he's been waking me up with "kisses" at two o'clock in the morning. That's a ticket to his crate.

The Garlic Festival is this weekend. Its the neatest thing. We love the wine tasting, the food, the garlic, the music... They have great goat cheese there every year and people selling organic apples. Jesse and his girlfriend may go with us this year. Everyone needs to go to the Garlic Festival sometime- its just so much fun.

Today I learned that bullies can be good friends. It takes coaching and modeling, but it can happen!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I'm just sitting around watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition with Troy. He's a little loopy. He pulled a muscle in his back and took a muscle relaxer. He says he feels the same, but he's out of it. It's awfully fun to watch him.

The weekend was lots of fun and very relaxing. Yesterday we went to the Genworth company picnic and saw "Batman Begins." Today we ran some errands and hung out at home. Nothing terribly interesting, really.

I've gotten so used to school this year that I haven't been too nervous on Sunday nights. However, since I wasn't at school Thursday and Friday, I'm a little antsy about returning. I haven't really gotten any plans together for tomorrow, although I know I can come up with things pretty quickly. Maybe it'll be really smooth. Or maybe it'll be crazy and I'll have good stories.

Today I learned that more than one person has had a huge tumor, weighing over 150 pounds, removed from their body. Ew.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Weekend! Weekend!

I'm pretty happy this evening. My Mandt training is going well. Its a program developed by a guy named Something Mandt. Its conflict resolution with some restraint built in to it, just in case. Today was boring, but maybe tomorrow will be more exciting when I get to hold people down. (Last resort... really.)
I'm also happy because I called my substitute teacher, and she said the day "couldn't have been better." I get SOOOO nervous. What if the kids are terrible? What if I didn't leave enough work? What if the sub didn't remember to come? What if What if What if... Anyway, my fears are diminished, and I can relax tomorrow.
I had an interesting experience yesterday. One of my students was making a planning web about his summer (they'll be using the webs to write paragraphs). He watched movies at home, and he wanted to know how to spell "DVDs". It was surreal. I knew he was low, but I couldn't get him to grasp the connection between the sounds for the word and the letters that make each sound. Its so sad- I have two that I don't think will ever be even just "below average" readers. I'm working so hard at the Wilson Reading System- I hope it helps. Maybe its just too soon to tell.
I went walking with Henry this afternoon all around the neighborhood. Since the weather is finally getting nice, I figured I'd give the treadmill a break. Henry keeps trying to eat anything he can off the sidewalk- even just grass and sticks and stuff. Its no wonder he's pukey. He eats the weirdest stuff.
I'm rambling, but I'm tired. I think its time to get some sleep.
Today I learned that adults with learning disabilities (like my poor colleague in Mandt training) can be humiliated by insensitive school psychologists.
Wait- aren't they SUPPOSED to be sensitive?!?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm running out of witty titles for my blog entries. Or maybe I'm too tired to be creative. Henry and I went to obedience class tonight. There's always around 40 dogs in the building, and they can get very excited. Its hard to keep Henry's attention. He's doing pretty well, though. He's super at heeling, and the other difficult things are coming along nicely. He has to settle down some when we get there, though. He shakes an awful lot at first.
School is going well. I had a veteran teacher come to me for advice on behavior management, which really made me feel good. I'm considered an educational specialist, as well as teacher, so having someone I respect and look up to ask me for help is an honor. I've dealt with some of the more difficult kids that have come through my school in awhile, so I guess they figure I'm qualified. One of my current students is having a really tough time (his dad just got out of jail, among other issues at home), and I'm not sure how long it will take to "fix" the problem. Right now he's being a pain the butt for attention. Its a fine line of giving him the attention sometimes and ignoring him at others.
I made another teacher's day by taking one of her kids while he was waiting for his bus. I'm assuming he's on ADHD meds, because his behavior today was abnormal. I guess he ran out (his dad died last week at twenty-seven). Anyway, the kid was crazier than any I've seen in a long time. At one point, he snatched two Sharpies off the teacher's desk and was drawing on his shirt with them. I observed for about fifteen minutes while I got another student ready to go home. I went to Joy and said, "Would you mind if he came with me and waited in my room for his bus to be called?" I had another student coming as a reward, and I didn't want him to play alone. Joy looked at me like I'd just given her a million dollars.
Today I learned that colleagues see my behavior management skills as positive and effective.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Let's try this again.

I thought I'd emailed a post to here from school earlier, but it didn't show up. I'm trying really hard, see, Teresa?
I'm pooped. I exercisted at six a.m. this morning, worked a long day, then had class. And here I am with nothing better to do. We did have chinese food for dinner, though. Mmmm. Shrimp fried rice. Yummy.
Today I learned that, if this morning exercise thing is going to work, my body has a lot of adjusting to do.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another weekend...gone.

It was a good one, though. Today I slept in a bit, then finished a needlepunch project for the school's silent auction. I'm going to try and do several more- supposedly a lot of businesses around here have donated for the hurricane relief and can't give much more.
I went to TJMaxx and shopped for a bit- a reward for studying so much this weekend. Bought a new shirt and skirt. My plan is to walk/run 30-40 minutes everyday, study 20-30 minutes everyday, and floss everyday. I've set up a check list for myself. My goal is 95% compliance. I think I've had too many graduate courses for one lifetime. I'm going to try exercising in the mornings. It didn't last too long last time, but I'm more motivated now that I've lost so much weight.
We watched the season premiere of "The West Wing"- my favorite show. Now I'm on here, and I'll be going to bed soon. This week will be really busy. I'll have class (mine and Henry's) three nights. I'll be away from school on Thursday and Friday, learning how to restrain people. So it should be eventful, at least.
Today I learned that acrocyanosis isn't supposed to cause pain. So those leg pains I've had all my life, related to bluish-purple legs at birth, isn't really related to the bluish-purple legs at birth.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Isn't it fall?

The weather is a bit cooler today (after 90 degrees yesterday). However, it is so dry here that our lawn isn't fairing well. We're not big on watering it- I guess it just seems like a waste of water. It'll have to rain eventually, right?
Henry got me up bright and early. The disadvantage to letting him sleep out of his crate is that he wakes me up by licking me instead of whining. I guess I'll take the licking, but I have to take him out so that he doesn't have an accident. He's been really reliable recently. He slept out at Mom and Dad's place, and he held it all night. Its not all sunshine and roses, though. He keeps chewing on our bathmats.
We had lunch at La Carreta, yummy Mexican food. Then we went to the mall where I bought... nothing! I told Troy that if I studied this evening I was going to go to TJMaxx tomorrow to reward myself. I put in over an hour at the books, so I'll shop tomorrow.
I want to be well prepared for my comprehensive exam. I'm going to try to put in 20-30 minutes each day, most days of the week. I think that's manageable. Plus, if I put that in now, I may not have to put a lot in later. I can just review what I have.
Laundry day- four loads. I was running out of stuff to wear.
Today I learned that my husband may never, ever, ever grow up.

Friday, September 23, 2005

One more try...

I'm going to give this one more shot at keeping up the blog. For your sake, Teresa. I've been so busy. Grad school on Mondays and Wednesdays, obedience classes on Tuesdays, school events Thursdays... Plus visiting Mom and Dad last weekend. Fortunately we'll be sticking around this weekend.
School is going well. My seven third-graders are settling in to the routine. We're having tons of trouble with addition and subtraction with regrouping, but we'll go down trying. Behavior has settled down, as well. I haven't had to write any referrals. My new room looks good.
I need to study this weekend to keep from getting behind. I'm worried that I'll stress out too much at the end of the semester. Plus, I may regret taking comps in March instead of June. I'd rather get it over with before I "walk" for graduation. That way, my internship is all I'll have left to take care of.
Henry is learning lots of interesting things at class. He hates the "long stay," where I make him lie down for half an hour. Its a true battle everytime I try. I think there's hope, though. He wants to be a good little boy.
Today I learned that it's good to go home if you feel like you're "going to throw up over the whole school."

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I know, I know...

Sorry. With school and grad school starting this week, I have been busy busy busy. Last weekend Troy and I took care of errands and laid low, all to be bombarded yesterday. I had the first day of school, grad school right after, then a visit to Tony and Joann to see their day-old daughter. I was at home awake for all of two hours yesterday. Poor Troy left work at 6:30 in the evening only to be called in at 10 pm for several hours.
Today I had school again, but no grad school. I came home and walked on the treadmill. Poor Henry has had a lot of alone time. I'm a little angry at him for playing with the sofa cushions nonstop.
I like my students this year. There's an innocence to them that my last group was missing. Funny stories will follow, I'm sure!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Today's Adventure

Today was quite exciting! Jesse Hercules flew in from Mississippi through Gatlinburg last night. We hung out and chatted, then got our sleep. This morning, after Troy and Jesse went to get doughnuts, we went to the Lynchburg airport, hopped in Jesse's plane, and flew to Raleigh. Jesse has a Cherokee that seats four people. Its like a medium sized car with wings. It has a propellor on the front. I was terrified.

However, I sucked it up and went ahead. The flight was really smooth, since Jesse's a good pilot and I had my motion-sickness patch on. It took less than an hour, and we arrived to see Troy's parents. I went shopping for fabric with Becky while the guys tooled around. We had dinner at the grill at Briar Creek country club, then got dropped off at the airport. It was an uneventful flight home, and now we're back at the house.

It was a really small plane. I was really nervous, but now I'm excited that I did that! We had a great time and got to wear noise-cancelling headsets and see our area from the air. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Trip, Part 2

Ah, the beach. I love the beach. When we got to the condo, the new carpet was being laid. It looks so pretty! I'm very glad that Jack and Debby are working on the place. Its so nice to see improvements made. It's becoming less of a family place and more of a vacation place to relax. We did a lot of sunbathing, walking, and crafting. I went in the water nearly everyday, until it got too wild. It was a little lonely, since Mom only swam with me once.

We ate so much seafood- I still smell like Old Bay seasoning. Mmmm... Crabs... Its been nice being home, though. I'm starting to get wound up about school starting, so sleeping is getting difficult. I just lay in bed and all these thoughts gush into my mind. However, I'm happy excited about school starting, not scared.

My grad advisor told me that one of my summer school professors informed him that I "carried the seminar class this year." I was a little tickled, until my advisor, who I'll be taking my first class with this semester, told me he expected great things out of me. He's known for being tough. I'm a little anxious about that.

Well, its more needle-punch embroidery for me now. And kisses from Henry.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My Trip, Part 1

Okay, so I don't think I can post all about the trip in one day. My attention span is just not that great. So I'll break it down. I'll post about: grandparents, the beach, and etc. Today will be about grandparents.

I saw Nana and Grandpa when I got in with Kelly and Lauren on Tuesday afternoon. Nana had on a pair of pants, two skirts, two shirts, and nearly every piece of jewelry she owned. She didn't really recognize us, and she kept asking us weird questions. (By the way, I had a lot of fun with Kelly and Lauren- we finally finished Kelly's quilt!) Nana appears to have taken up the habit of wearing too much clothing, as I witnessed, or not enough, as Jack and the girls witnessed. However, Dad and Jack really worked things out. Nana and Grandpa will be moving, and a caretaker will spend four hours a day at their house until they can move. Nana improved over the course of the visit, so I was pleased. By the time we left, she knew us and was acting like her old self.

Meme, on the other hand, was completely wonky. She thought I was Kary's girlfriend and kept trying to cut and eat her napkin. I knew she'd keep deteriorating, but it made me nauseous to see her this time. She knew Mom some of the time, but she didn't make sense a lot. She also got really snappy and threatened to shoot several staff members over her footwear.

However, all my grandparents seem safe for now. I mean, they're old and feeble and sickly, but they are taken care of, which is important to me. Later today or tomorrow I will expound on the beach. Heaven!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Nissan Rocks

So I'm using the internet at the car dealership where they're changing the oil in my car. Not such a bad set up, I guess.

Kelly and Lauren are coming today, and I'm really excited! I really enjoyed having Kelly here last summer, so I'm happy to have both of them. We always have a good time- the girls are hilarious and fun to be around. Kelly and I are hoping to finish the quilt we started last summer, and I'm going to teach Lauren to knit. She mentioned making a quilt, and I worried about the time frame, since we'll only have three days together. Plus, I wanted her to have a different talent. I guess that's left over from my days as Teresa's little sister. I really wanted horseback-riding lessons when Teresa was taking them, but I wasn't allowed. I think it helped my issues with Teresa not to ever compete against her at hobbies and things other than school. You can't help school, since everyone has to do it. At least out of school we had our own interests.

My favorite part of having the girls here? Kelly, at least, loves Mountain Frost Creamery and I think Lauren will too! Mmmm... Ice cream...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Three Years

Troy and I went out tonight to celebrate our third anniversary. Its so hard to believe! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday, sometimes it seems like forever. We had dinner at our favorite restaurant, Isabella's. We highly recommend it. The food is delicious, and they give you free stuff on anniversaries and birthdays. Mmmm... Italian food...

I started getting my new classroom set up today. What a mess. I packed stuff in the wierdest places, but its kinda like Christmas. I'm finding things I forgot I had! So its pitiful that I packed it away two months ago and forgot about it, but that's me. I'll be going back in to do more tomorrow, so hopefully it'll be done soon. Then I can just go in and enjoy it without any kids there. I really like school when there are no students there. Funny, huh?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Our Trip, Part 2

On Monday, we visited the Case knife factory. We got there around nine a.m., and our tour (just Troy and I!) was led by Mary. She's worked at the factory for over ten years. It was... amazing. We saw EVERYTHING. We talked to guys punching out blades, ladies smashing metal under huge smashing machines, guys in crazy shirts buffing out scratches. The whole process takes weeks if you followed a knife through the factory. It was just the coolest thing to see.

Afterwards, we had lunch with Shirley, the Case historian and a friend of Troy's. We went to Beefeaters, a local hotspot. It was neat- the restaurant was near our hotel and a building we'd seen earlier. It used to be the post office- the architecture was really neat. We read the sign and noticed that it was dedicated to a man with the last name of Boser (Shirley's last name). It turned out Shirley's daughter owned the building, and we got to take a tour! Only in a small town could this happen, I guess. The building had secret hallways and lookouts since Bradford used to be the biggest town in the country's richest county. Back when oil was big, there was tons of money going in and out of the post office. And we got the special tour!

We left Bradford around two-thirty yesterday and made it back just after midnight. It was a really neat trip! Pictures should be on Troy's website, somewhere, if you'd like to see them.

I picked Henry up this morning, and he was so glad to see me! Man, I missed him so much. Teresa, just so you know, if something happens to us, you'll be Henry's guardian. Whatever you need to sell to support him is okay with us- we'll give you all our worldly belongings to take care of him. He's so cute.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Our Trip

Well, we are on our way back home, and I'm posting using Troy's Blackberry. We drove to Richmond on Friday morning, and Troy had some meetings there until two. We dropped Henry off before we left at the kennel near his vet. We didn't hear from anyone so we assume he's okay. We frove from Richmond to Lancaster on Friday afternoon and got stuck in wicked traffic on the beltway. We've been playing a sticker version of the state liscense plate game, and we saw Hawaii while in the traffic. It was worth the wait. In Lancaster, we went to an awesome craft fair and saw the downtown area. I really enjoyed the Amish quilt museum. We've picked up some tiles and a new painting for our growing art collection- they make good souvenirs. On Sunday, we drove from Lancaster to Bradford. It took about five hours. We were amazed by the number of rural farming and manufacturing communities. Some of the polaces were quite depressing. I'm going to save Bradford and the Case factory for tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I hope Henry remembers me tomorrow!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Almost August

Ah, the bittersweet realization that summer is drawing to an end... However, I have plenty to keep my occupied until school starts again. Two trips, lots of visitors, and the bag project to finish up.

I went in to school today, and I moved some things to my new classroom. I have a lot of work to do to get my room back in order for students. Plus, I'm working with younger children, so I need to decorate differently. Its always fun to get the room in order before the kids come. I like school best when there are no students there. Is that bad?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Heat Wave

Man, its been steamy here! The weather is really obnoxiously hot. I've been trying to remember, when I take Henry out at eight a.m. and its ninety degrees out, how cold I will be in February doing the same thing. It doesn't help much.

I am getting ready for school again, already. Summer seems so short! I know I have several weeks before its time to go back, but I'll be traveling so much. I don't want summer to be over so soon. Oh well. Time flies, right?

I hear that daylight savings time is being changed to May through November. I think that's the silliest thing ever! First of all, the whole savings time thingy is a little screwy to begin with. Second, why should be honestly go through the hassle of changing it?!? Sheesh.

Well, I guess I should be relaxing some. No need getting all worked up on vacation, right?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I took Henry to the vet today to get vaccinated against kennel cough so we can board him. While there, I visited with Nell, a nine-year-old pointer looking for a home. She was really sweet, and I think she and Henry could get along. There's a glitch, however. I was petting her and scratching behind her ears. She yawned, but it looked to me like what Katie did when she was getting ready to bite people. I nearly fell over trying to stand up quickly. I realized then and there that I will only be able to bring puppies into my home as pets. I have to have them from itty-bitty so that I can trust them. Nell was a sweetie, but she's not for me. I just don't know how she was raised.

On another topic, Meghan (the school's speech language pathologist) and I started decorating our bags for the "Reader's Tool Kits" that we're making up. We're trying to get literacy activities into homes to encourage reading instruction. I just hate seeing kids end up in my class simply because they can't read. Its not that they aren't smart- they just don't have the same advantages as other children.

Its been a long time.

Sorry to anyone who actually reads this, or tries to.

As I type, there are two very tired puppies in my house. One is Henry. The other is Angel, the corgi from across the alleyway. Henry is absolutely in love with Angel. She comes over to play sometimes. They go wild! Lots of chasing and tumbling and barking. They wear each other out, which is nice.

I watched the shuttle launch today. It was really neat. I remember watching one launch from the deck of a cruise ship in December of 1999. Very cool. What was neat this time, however, was that they broadcast views from a camera that was mounted on the biggest external fuel tank and pointed at the belly of the shuttle. The camera worked all the way into space, and they showed the shuttle disconnecting from the tank and floating away. It was... amazing. I tivoed it to show Troy later.

I am amazed by space. I've done so many projects on astronauts, read books, watched movies... I would love to go into space. However, as Troy knows and tells me, I'll never be an astronaut. I get too motion-sick. Oh well. I can dream.

It is really hot here. Not that I mind- I love my air conditioning.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I thought summer vacation this year would be laid back and relaxing. This week has been less busy, but no less stressful. I have a specialist's report due Monday about testing I have yet to actually do on a boy whose mother I have yet to get ahold of. Plus, I have a final exam a week from tomorrow!

It'll be okay. The stress has an end in sight.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


So a dishwasher leaking water all over the floor (my crisis) isn't as bad as your house burning down (Uncle Jack's crisis). However, I did not enjoy having to figure out why huge amounts of suds were foaming over the kitchen floor. Jack and Kelly both seem pretty okay about the house- all lives were saved, including Rascal hiding under a bed. I can just picture that poor firefighter braving the flames to drag out a bassett hound.

I ran 3.3 miles today, but I had an unhealthy-ish dinner- too much cheese, maybe five points over for the day, including my exercise. However, I was under a lot of stress from the leak.

My best friend Meghan is pregnant with baby no. 2. I'm jealous, but its not too bad. She'll let me borrow her kids as often as I need to. Erin, although sweet, is a terrible two, and she can quickly curb the urge.

I hope Jack gets things sorted out as smoothly as possible. I feel really bad for him, and especially Johnny who had to get out of the burning house. That has to suck.

Monday, July 04, 2005

later on the fourth

I am sitting in a big field waiting for the fireworks to start. Technology is truly amazing, as is Troy for letting me play with his BlackBerry. We got a lot of housework taken care of today- laundry, straightening, and mowing. I really didn't want to go to the fireworks tonight, but Troy coerced me. I really think my dislike of fireworks has to do with the wretched displays Oak Ridge always put on. They were really horrible! Hopefully Lynchburg can do better. Henry is still very happy to have us home- no accidents in the house today. The bugs and I say goodnight from our little corner of the Genworth field.

4th of July

We got back last night from Troy's parents' house. It was a good time. Lots of shopping and eating out. We'd left Henry here with a neighbor, our first time really away from him for long, and he was happy to see us. I think he never expected to see us again. We're going to just spend today getting things done around the house. I have school work and house work to catch up on.

Congrats to Teresa and Chris on two years of dating bliss! Troy and I are less than a month away from three years of wedded bliss, and we're starting to talk about how to celebrate. He knows to get me sparklies for anniversaries. I don't mind vacuums and powerwashers and scumbusters for other "special" occasions. However, anniversaries are different.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pink Eye

Henry's eyes seem to be much better. He still panics when I come towards him with the half-chewed tube of antibiotics, but at least the yellow goop is gone. He enjoyed the chew he had while I ran another 3.3 miles today. 19 miles in one week! (Interuption- Henry is rolling his foodball around the computer room madly trying to get food out and neglecting to realize that there is no food in it.)

19 miles! I'm thinking of finding a map and slowly tracking my progress to somewhere. I'm afraid I'm going stop running and mess the whole thing up. I like my weight okay where it is now, and if I could eat what I'm eating now (mostly healthy with a little ice cream here and there), I'd be very happy.

I had to put Henry's e-collar back on. He's not a happy boy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Not so good at keeping this up.

Whew. I really do have time on my hands, I'm just using it for other stuff, I guess. I can't believe June is nearly over! I miss work, and I'm afraid I'll get too used to being a lazy bum on vacation.

Henry is getting over his bout of pink eye. I knew something was wrong over the weekend, and he had to go to the vet yesterday. He's doing very well.

I've run 15.35 miles in the last five days. I may become a neurotic runner again. I've always been neurotic- I just needed a treadmill.

I'll post more. Really. I will.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

My Day

I had class today from nine a.m. to two p.m. It is fairly painful to sit through four and a half hours of class (we get half an hour for lunch). We are learning a lot about No Child Left Behind and IDEA, all three versions of it.

Upon arriving home, I watched "Calendar Girls." It has lots of really witty dialogue and half naked British women. Older British women, I should add. It was very funny.

I make chicken Kiev and risotto for dinner, followed by a walk and playdate for Henry and Angel. Henry is now sound asleep on the floor after all the excitement.

My day was not very exciting. I kinda like that.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Two Weeks Later...

Ta-Da! My vacation, all week and a half of it, is boring me. But not bored enough to do anything productive. Two days a week I go to grad school, where I learn all about No Child Left Behind and IDEA 2004. Three days a week I tutor a petulant and tiresome child in reading for 45 minutes. I run about two miles everyday and pray that Henry and I catch Angel outside.

Angel is Henry's new best friend. She's a perky little corgi from across the alley, and she has a small fenced in backyard. Several times now Henry and Angel have had playdates where they run, romp, wrestle, and wear each other out. He loves it so much that if we go out at night to use the bathroom, he sits where he can see their backyard and cries for her. Its a little ridiculous, but he takes really long naps after they play.

I have no plans this weekend. Hoorah! I feel like this week I've been lazy because of all the traveling I did in the previous two weeks or so. Maybe after a real weekend, I'll get into stained glass or reading. But watching Judging Amy reruns on the sofa's not so bad, I suppose.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Today I got a lot done at work, including a surprise party for a little girl who is moving. I acted like she was in trouble to get her to come into my room, and the kids all jumped out and yelled, "Surprise!" It was really fun. I had given a fourth grade mom without a job $20 to go get us two pizzas from Little Caesers for the party, figuring she'd bring me back about $8 in change. She didn't have time, I guess, so she went to Papa Johns, which cost $23, and she ate the cost. Some people are so generous, and I'm so thankful! I'm learning everyday that when I ask people to help my kids, most really go above and beyond the call of duty.

My classroom is nearly all packed up, and the walls are bare. I paid a fifth grader in candy bars to go up and down the ladder to pull off all the weird little things I'd put up through the year. The big job tomorrow is moving the fish tank. I may actually move it. I have two week feeding blocks. Surely I can remember to go in every other week. I'll want to know when I can start setting up my new classroom anyhow. I tried to do a decent packing j0b, buts it all ended up mixed together. Always something exciting in the world of education!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Two Days To Go

Since my recent blogs have been pretty low, here's the good news to report for today:
1. I get to keep the furniture in my classroom and take it with me to my new classroom. So its not exciting, but I'm really pleased. I found a layout that I love, and I've already drawn a map to recreate it next year.
2. I played a rousing game of ping pong with Troy. I lost, but 22-24. It was close.
3. Grad school is starting to wind down again, and I turned in/completed nearly everything. Two short papers and a location visit, and I'm done!
4. I got a lot of paperwork taken care of today at school. I had to sit in for a teacher while she picked another teacher up at home (she had fallen) and took her to the emergency room. So considering I lost two hours of my day, I accomplished a lot.
5. I'm going to bed. That's really the best news of all. I love to sleep.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Three Days Left

I'm really bothered that I'm so busy and stressed out. This time of year is typically so nice with the weather turning hot and endings approaching. However, I'm so stressed that I'm crotchety with everyone- students, Troy, Henry... Hopefully the stress will dissipate soon.

Henry has turned into such a weird dog. We still love him, but we're perplexed by his strange combination of absolute wildness (such as LAUNCHING himself at Troy when he was watching television and nearly killing him) and his absolute relaxtion (like now, when he's asleep by the sofa bed while I type). I can't wait until he's always laid back, if he ever reaches that point.

I continue to think about the fact that my parents are moving soon. The geographic issue isn't a big deal. I don't really care where they live, although I'd like them to live nearer to me. If I could trade Mom and Dad for Jerry Falwell, I would in a heartbeat. The big deal? The change of phone numbers. For the last twenty years, if I need moral support, medical information, running help, love, attention, or weather advice, I called the same number. That's all about to change. What if I have an emergency and I can't remember their number? What if I'm attacked by bears and need medical advice? What if there's a freak typhoon in Virginia and I need help? What if my whole world falls apart and I can't remember a dagblasted phone number?!?

Sigh. Three more days.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Four Days Left

WILL IT NEVER END!?!?! Sheesh. The last days are the hardest. On top of everything else, I'm working on packing up everything in my classroom. The kids are themselves, being slightly obnoxious but generally good. The work keeps piling up, though, of things that have to be done by Friday. Plus, I have class. Ugh.

However, the good news is that I'm going to the beach TWICE this summer. Yippee for me! I love the beach. Also, class will only meet twice a week. I can't wait to spend my days studying a bit, playing with Henry, and doing stained glass. Mmmmm... Summer. Meghan and I have several projects planned: a book drive for needy kids, take home bags with activities and books for needy kids, and lots of collaborative teaching in the fall. A week after this year's over, we'll be planning the next, I'm sure.

But before I get too excited, I need to survive just four more days.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

It must be love

Troy bought me a pressure washer today! I spent hours outside with it, cleaning everything that wasn't alive. Some of the shrubbery got a little cleaner as well. The porch looks great, the siding is better than its ever been, and the sidewalk is sparkling. What a husband! I've wanted a pressure washer for several years, and now I have my very own.

I started working on some stained glass yesterday. I was thinking about knitting an afghan, but I have too many unfinished projects out there to go buy yarn. I set a table up in the basement by the windows looking outside to the driveway. That way, open windows allow all the yucky lead fumes to go out and Henry can be tied up and still see me. I'm working on a turtle. Its lots more fun than grad school work.

Speaking of stained glass, I had an interesting conversation with my sister today that bothered me a lot. She was talking about learning to do stained glass with her roommate. I got very upset, although I tried not to let her know. I was jealous enough over the crocheting. You see, I thought of myself as a failure at so many things when I was younger. My sister always seemed to be so self-assured, so adept at school, and so emotionally well-rounded. Then I learned to crochet, knit, quilt, and do stained glass. Crafting has been my niche for the last fifteen years or so, something I do and excel at. I could create amazing things that people loved to hang up and gush over. I really loved the gushing. Now, my sister is a great gusher, and she has more of my stuff than most people do. She actually has a more varied collection of my "artifacts" than anyone- stained glass, quilts, etc. But if my sister learns to do stained glass, then I am losing my niche. I don't want to lose the attention I get for my crafting. (Just to note- my sister actually didn't know when she started crocheting that I knew how to. I've been crocheting since I was about ten, but she some how missed that fact as we were growing up.)

Now, I see my sister twice a year. She lives HOURS away, we don't share friends, and our lives are completely different. Why am I so bothered that my sister might do stained glass? Why is she still a yardstick by which I measure my achievement? Its similar to the feeling I have around teenagers. I'm married, I have a job, and a successful life. I have been socially validated. But popular teenagers make me feel about four inches tall.

This is a long ramble, I know. I just need to figure out what I'm doing with regard to my sister. How can someone I never see have such a pull on my life?

Teresa- sorry to ramble about you. Its just what's been on my mind most of the day. I love you- I really do!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Six Days Left

Today actually went by quickly. I've been doing a reading assessment on my students. Its for the Wilson Reading System and I gave them the assessment at the beginning of the year. So far I've completed and scored two, and I'm very impressed at the improvement that's been shown. I feel like I'm getting concrete proof that I accomplished something this year with my students. I know with No Child Left Behind that I'm supposed to be helping all kids become successes to fit the government's definition, but my goals were to make them better people and help them learn to read. I think I've succeeded at both, although its been a tough year.

I have a couple of projects to do for grad school, but I think I can get them done this weekend. I really do procrastinate quite a bit. As long as I don't eat the cookies!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Seven Days Left

Ah... Family life (aka sex ed) was interesting. I was in with the fourth grade boys and the PE teacher, who is one of three men who work at our school. He talked sooo fast. The boys were staring at him, confused. They'd been waiting all year to learn this stuff, and now he was talking so fast they couldn't understand it. Here are a few clips of wisdom:
"In married humans, the egg cell and the sperm cell unite to form a baby."
"A woman's period is when her body gets rid on an unfertilized egg."
"Girls have a reproductive system specifically designed to receive sperm."
I felt like I was in the dark ages. But no, its just public education. The PE teacher mainly read those things from a script. I told the guys they could ask me questions if they couldn't find the PE teacher, and I was mobbed. I guess they feel a little more comfortable with me than you'd think.

Yesterday I bought a smaller size of pants- a major feat. I'm very proud of myself. I'm hoping to be at 175/176 when I weigh in on Friday. If I could've stuck with WW completely for the last several months, I'd be at my goal by now. Its okay- I'm changing my lifestyle, not just my weight.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I get paid for this?!?

So my day consisted of three strange things. 1) Chaparoning a trip to the local children's museum for AR incentive day. Two hours of yelling, screaming, happy children and ten minutes of being in the "tower" or indoor playset. Wore myself out! 2) Driving around to get a student's sex ed permission form signed. 3) Teaching boys the first part of "family life," which was all about hygiene and drugs and alcohol. The family life part was fun, and we had a rousing discussion about the differences in deoderant and cologne. The boys all looked embarrassed until I told them we weren't learning anything about private parts today, that it was tomorrow. So I guess the really funny stories will have to wait.

I woke up today thinking it was Monday. Thank goodness it isn't really. These last few days will make me crazy.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I love days like this- it feels like Sunday, but since I don't work tomorrow, its really like a Saturday. The weather here was just beautiful. It was seventy-five degrees and breezy. Troy spent half the day doing yardwork- lucky him!

I'm actually working on a quilt. My craftwork has been very sporadic since grad school started, and while I've started lots of random projects, nothing has gotten finished. I have partially finished needlepoint canvases, rugs, hardanger embroidery, and quilts. I've probably started ten projects in the last year, and I haven't finished a darn thing. I guess if starting things makes me feel good, I'll just keep starting things.

We put invertebrates and one fish in our little saltwater aquarium today. Its weird to have an emerald crab in your kitchen, and not to eat, either! Its a lot of fun to just sit and watch the anemones blowing in the current and the hermit crabs scurrying around.

Nine days of school once I get back, and I'm so glad. I'll be teaching the boys hygiene for family life and sitting in on the gym teacher going over sexuality with them. This should be really interesting. The fourth grade boys this year are a motley crew. I just have to remember to take in Troy's deoderant to talk about odor. Mmmm... He smells good.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

More Work Avoidance

So I have several article reviews to write, and I'm just not getting them done. That's okay, though. They aren't due for three more weeks. They'll get done somehow, I'm sure. I'm having too much fun enjoying the weekend. Our computer is driving me crazy. I can't ever get it to do what I want it to do, and Troy acts like I'm asking for his liver when I ask him to help me. That's marriage for you, I suppose.

We've had a good day. I did a little shopping earlier for birthday presents, shower presents, and clothes. I also got some fabric to work on a little quilt with- puppy dogs and the like! Very cute. Unfortunately, the computer isn't working to print out what I need printed. The little quilt will have to wait, I suppose.

I got a lot of sleep last night. It was wonderful. I love sleep. Also, I've been "on points" for Weight Watchers for nearly two days straight. I'm feeling good. I still have about thirty pounds to lose to get to my goal. That's a lot. I may just settle for twenty.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Pizza and a Movie

That's my plan for tonight. Meghan and I are going to be bums. Today's gone well, but at the end of the year, every day seems like an eternity. You're so ready for a break, and you know that break is coming. It just can't come quick enough.

I've spent the last half-hour listening to three staff members physically restrain a second grader with paranoid schizophrenia. He's all of eight, and it takes three people to contain him when he gets upset. They can't keep him from screaming, but he is certainly a handful. I start to wonder about my job when I hear him, especially since he may be my student next year. I didn't get into this to hurt anyone, and I'm certainly not relishing the thought of learning to restrain children. You see little children on television in handcuffs, and you wonder why they resort to that. I know how schools get in these tough spots. We have at least three children at my school who shouldn't be in a public, regular education program. Its slightly depressing.

Henry's a good dog. He slept out of his crate last night, and it was very nice. I like feeling his head on my leg. Everyone needs a puppy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Work Avoidance

I have been meaning to post since Sunday, but each time I sit down, I get distracted. Today's the day, however. Our SOL testing has been good. I have a lot of papers to do for grad school, and I should be working on them now. However, I'm doing this instead. Its much more fun.

This morning a student found an owl stuck in the soccer goal here at school. I don't know what type it was, but it had beautiful yellow eyes. Poor thing- it must've gotten stuck in the neck last night when chasing after some mouse or other animal. Someone from a wildlife organization came and took it to a local vet. We're still waiting to hear more about it, but it didn't seem injured.

School and school are both going well. I can't believe that I've only got two and a half weeks until elementary school is done. I'm pretty ready for it. The kids are starting to really get on my nerves. That's a bad sign.

I'm staying home this weekend, come hell or high water. Enough traipsing all over the place. I want to get ten hours of good sleep in my own bed. Right now would be nice. Zzzzz...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Fun Saturday

We drove down to Cary last night, just in time to go to Ted's Montana Grill for dinner. They have the yummiest strawberry shortcake! I actually ate pretty decently (low fat, I mean), and we had a good time. I didn't sleep real well last night, as Henry barked a two-thirty a.m., five a.m., six-thirty a.m., and from seven-thirty a.m. until I got up and took him out. Did I mention that I was the one that took him out at two-thirty?!?

Becky and I did some fun shopping. I bought a pair of white dress shoes- they are the highest heels I've ever owned in my life. I love them! We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Mmmmm... cheesecake. I really like shopping. I know that it makes me seem shallow and materialistic, but its so much fun!

Tonight we saw the last Star Wars movie. I cried through at least half the movie. Troy and Becky couldn't really understand why I was crying, but several parts seemed pretty sad. Anyways, I though it was really good. It wraps up several loose ends, and the acting is really good. Overall, a good way to spend a weekend.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Happy weekend to all

Woo hoo- Its Friday! Today was pretty boring- I had a lot of time without students, so I wisely worked on some grad school stuff. Lesson plans, transitioning ideas, etc. There's so much to do, and only four more weeks to get it done.

I also hung out with some people doing pet therapy here. I love to watch the kids interact with the dogs. Most of these kids have such big problems, and they are adored by their canine friends. Beasley comes to visit a girl with multiple disabilities that has very loud tantrums when frustrated. The only time I hear her giggle and laugh is when she's with Beasley. One week she wasn't here and Beasley cried outside the door of her classroom. The bonds are just great.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm still on my mission for white dress shoes, something in a strappy sandal. I need to get a bit of a tan on my feet, though. I don't want to end up with skin cancer, but I don't enjoy being pasty. My feet are pasty.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Was there an airport in the bible?

Caylon thinks so. We started talking about Caesar today, then that led to kings in the bible, and that led Caylon to talk the bible. I usually quickly change the subject, but he was asking about some Mr. Jones buying plane tickets at the airport. He was certain it was in the bible. We all got a big kick out of it. I don't know where half these things come from. Like the autistic student that was doing lots of worksheets today. He put another student's name on one of his paper- "Latoya." A little strange.

My time bomb is out of school until next Thursday. The principal didn't pay attention to his heinous behavior until she was subjected to it first hand in the office in front of several parents. It made today a little quieter. We made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from one of the kids' receipes. We had a good time.

I'm tired, and its not even nine o'clock. We just finished watching "Team America World Police" on DVD. Its so bad that its pretty good. Maybe not pretty good. Pretty terrible. Some of it is funny. Kind of.

I love Henry. I come home and he's so sweet. Most of the day, I sit around and think about how I wish I was home with him. Well, not most of the day. I did get one of my projects finished for grad school and a good start on another. I do actually do stuff at work. Besides play with the kids all the time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Happy Camper

That's Henry! We got him new food that will hopefully stop the puking. We also bought him a "virtually indestructible" ball to play with since tennis balls are off limits. The best? A huge bag of vanilla flavored rawhide chews. He's positively blissful now.

My day was good. My time bomb exploded, but he didn't do it in my room. The principal drove him home for the rest of the day. I guess he'll be back tomorrow. Other than that, my kids have been good. I use a lot of behavior contracts and checklists. It occured to me yesterday that those are my preference because those are what Mom and Dad used with me. Go figure.

I need to get started on the projects for my grad school class. Ugh. I don't really like work. I love my job, but grad school is too much work.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm sooooo stupid.

Not really- but I feel like it sometimes. I was in the OT/PT room and noticed this thing called a "Dizzy Disc" for sitting and standing. I stood on it and spun around some. Now I'm not feeling well at all. Not my brightest moment.

Yesterday's bagel pizzas were a hit. They came out really well, and the kids were pretty well behaved. I'm trying to keep their behavior okay as long as possible. They'll get "summer brain" soon and be good for nothing. Never mind the fact that I have the aforementioned affliction.

I've decided to do book bags this summer to use next year. I'll put a book, a toy, a journal, and an instruction sheet in each bag and send them home every couple of weeks. I've heard most kids and parents really like them. I'll probably make my own bags. It'll be labor intensive, but I think it'll be worth it. The toys will probably come from the dollar store- my favorite place. Maybe Kelly will help me if she comes for a week during the summer.

I'm on my own for dinner tonight. I'm thinking WW pizza. Mmmm... I also need some more WW ice cream cones. I love the last bite, where there's frozen chocolate in the very tip of the cone. I'm hungry already. Not a great sign.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Weekend

Friday: Henry came to school with me and wore himself out. He was so well behaved and let the kids love all over him. He was even the topic of our story for the day. I'm amazed at how Henry adjusts to wherever we put him (as long as I'm there- he's a mama's boy). At one point, there were about twenty five-year-olds petting him and talking about him. He just stood there, patient as could be. It must've be tiring, because he slept nearly the whole way to Tennessee. We got in about 10:30 pm, chatted some, and then went to bed.

Saturday: Troy and Dad headed off to Pigeon Forge pretty early. Mom and I hung out, and then we went shopping. We got mostly picture frames, along with frivolous other items. I got to see the apartment where they'll be staying while the house is built. Its pretty nice! We went out to dinner with Sarah and David Hetrick, and Scott and Debby Something-Or-Other. It was a blast. We just all kept talking and having a good time.

Sunday: I packed about thirty boxes for the 'rents, so they have a good start on the moving process. I can't imagine how much more I'll be doing in the next couple of trips we make. It was hard to leave. I kind of wanted to move to Knoxville, but that's fairly impossible right now. The drive home was long, but we got home. We got groceries and vegged out. I had a hard time sleeping, much more than usual. But I'm wide awake today and everything's skipping right along.

To make fun of Mom and Dad (I know you read this- you'll just have to deal with it), Troy and I laughed over their communication skills. I don't know if its a hearing issue or obstinancy. I was amazed at how often one would ask a question or yell something out, only to have the other close a door on them without answering. They'd yell across the house and not hear each other, I guess. They're like two really old people, except they aren't. It was just cute.

Today I learned that I can function okay on six hours of sleep. Sometimes.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Creative Title: Thursday

Today was a good day. No classes after school, no major blow ups, bathtime with Henry... I really like my life on days like these. Of course, tomorrow will be far more hectic. For one, Henry's is coming to school with me. Second, we're driving down to Tennessee. I have to decide how to handle the motion sickness in a way that will allow me to actually drive.

The big excitement of my life? There's a documentary on tonight about feral children. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Is Wednesday really almost over?

So this week is really flying by! Yesterday was over before I'd really realized it had started. I started another class on Monday, which isn't really all that exciting. Lots of projects, but no exams. I know most of the people in the class, which means that group projects will be more interesting. Unfortunately, the class meets for two-and-a-half hours each time, twice a week. It really taxes my attention span.

I took Henry to the vet yesterday about the puking. Four thoughts: 1) food allergy, 2) something funky stuck in his stomach and rolling around, 3) thickening of the muscle at the spot where his stomach meets his small intestine, or 4) some spirea-something-ish-thing that is like a bacteria only not. We're going to change his food and see if that calms down the puke. Maybe it really is a food allergy. It that doesn't help, he'll have to have endoscopic surgery to look into things. Its nothing life threatening, but we're tired of cleaning up puppy puke. He's still cute, though, even when he's pukey.

The weather is beautiful. We ate dinner outside on the deck last night and walked for ice cream at Mountain Frost. I've learned how to order just one scoop of ice cream. I think that is a miracle in itself. Man. I love ice cream.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hooray for me!

I have good news! Drum roll, please... Ta da! I made three As this semester in grade school! (That's an A in every class I took, mind you.) I wasn't expecting to get my grades back for awhile, but I checked in today, and I was pleasantly surprised. It makes all the work worth it to see those grades. Now if only I was as good at dieting as I am at grad school...

We did a lot of nothing today, aside from seeing "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." It was really good. I liked it. Now I'm going to start reading the books. Troy assures me that I'll enjoy them.

The weather today was beautiful. I just went out and sat with Henry in the grass for awhile. The sun was warming us, and there was a little breeze. It won't get that much hotter, really, but the humidity will be the downside to the summer. Okay, that and Seminar in Special Education. But I'll survive it.

Henry will be one year old in a week. He was eight weeks old (give or take several days) when we brought him home on July 15th. So I'm picking May 15th to be his birthday. Not that he gets any presents- he's eaten enough of our inedibles around the house. But an extra hug and kiss to let him know we love him, perhaps. We really do love him.