Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Okay. So the bain of my existance is the Lynchburg City schools six weeks assessments. Every six weeks, I have to read four 30-40 question multiple choice tests to children in two grades. Invariably, someone is absent or gets sick or just doesn't care. However, I finished giving the reading test today, and five of my seven third grade students passed. The reason I'm so excited? If they keep passing, I'm not allowed to do the Virginia Grade Level Assessment (a portfolio assessment consisting of tons of work) for those students. Well, I guess I should also be excited because it means I actually taught these kids something. I'm really happy.

The weather here is still kind of icky, and tonight I have my research methods class. However, that means that the week is nearing its end, and I like that. Tomorrow I'll be going with the fourth graders to Monticello. I'm in charge of a little boy whose favorite phrase is f*&$ you. Lucky me. At least there'll be nice scenery, eh?

Henry did not do well at class last night. He was the example for "sometimes dogs regress at this point in their training." Wild man.

Today I learned that I may be underestimating what my students can do.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

More Rain!

I'm not complaining. Its been so dry here. Plus, I'm kind of an oddball in that I actually like rainy days. For some reason, the sunlight always seems to drain away my cheerfulness. I'm happier when there are clouds. I know- I'm weird.

Henry and I have class tonight. We haven't been practicing as much as we should. He's really good at the long down/stay. He usually only has to be "put back" two or three times, and then he gets tired of fighting it. THey says its a great way to let dogs know you're in charge. I like using it when he gets too wound up and starts barking a lot. He'll settle down quickly.

School is going along well. I'm enjoying the group I teach. Grad school has me a little worried. I'm afraid I'm not really getting anything accomplished, and that I'll end up rushing to do things at the end of the semester. My research class especially is a little iffy. The professor is kind of strange. However, I keep reminding myself that the worst of grad school is over. I'll get through it soon enough!

Troy just has allergies and post nasal drip. Nothing terribly serious, but he slept a lot yesterday and last night.

Today I learned that Elmer's school glue doesn't hold pipe cleaners to foam shapes. Especially Halloween shapes with little googly eyes and glittering pompoms.

Monday, October 10, 2005

About a month behind...

I think fall might actually be here. Its was chilly today, and Troy isn't feeling well. I really hope its not strep throat. I don't want to get sick this early in the year.

Today has been really quiet without the kids. I didn't get as much done as I would've liked, but that's the way it always is. I'm ready for a presentation I have tonight at grad school, and I've gotten a lot of studying done for my midterm next Monday. Hopefully I'm working well enough ahead so that there isn't a need to panic. I went out to lunch with three of the four third grade teachers. It seems like an awfully grownup thing to do, going to lunch with a bunch of teacher. I still feel like I'm ten years old and pretending to be an adult.

Last night, Henry jumped up on the sofa in the sewing room (the one covered in Nana's old clothes) and fell right asleep. He looked so cute curled up amongst the garrish fabrics and strange textures. He was really happy, though. We don't let him on the bed anymore, so he has to get comfy where he can.

Today I learned that I'm too suseptible to the powers of suggestion. As soon as Troy said he wasn't feeling well (headache and sore throat), my head started to hurt.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Grandmother Obsession

I have been dwelling on my grandmothers this weekend. Not so much Meme, because I've been dwelling on her for years. This weekend was more Nana's turn. After Mom told me Friday about all the decline in her health, I got really depressed.

So depression turned to action. I started washing and cutting up the clothes I've had in my basement. Not until after I'd gotten pseudopermission from Mom, of course! With me hoarding all the old quilts from Nana, I thought I'd put something out there for the family. Now my whole sewing room smells like Nana and Grandpa's basement, even though I've washed the clothes. Maybe that will add to the charm of the quilts.

Tomorrow is a teacher work day at school- no students. Hopefully I can get some work done! My list? Progress notes, report cards, and studying for midterms. Woo hoo!

Today I learned that it was a lot harder to chop up Nana's old polyester jumpsuits than I thought it would be.