Thursday, September 29, 2005

Weekend! Weekend!

I'm pretty happy this evening. My Mandt training is going well. Its a program developed by a guy named Something Mandt. Its conflict resolution with some restraint built in to it, just in case. Today was boring, but maybe tomorrow will be more exciting when I get to hold people down. (Last resort... really.)
I'm also happy because I called my substitute teacher, and she said the day "couldn't have been better." I get SOOOO nervous. What if the kids are terrible? What if I didn't leave enough work? What if the sub didn't remember to come? What if What if What if... Anyway, my fears are diminished, and I can relax tomorrow.
I had an interesting experience yesterday. One of my students was making a planning web about his summer (they'll be using the webs to write paragraphs). He watched movies at home, and he wanted to know how to spell "DVDs". It was surreal. I knew he was low, but I couldn't get him to grasp the connection between the sounds for the word and the letters that make each sound. Its so sad- I have two that I don't think will ever be even just "below average" readers. I'm working so hard at the Wilson Reading System- I hope it helps. Maybe its just too soon to tell.
I went walking with Henry this afternoon all around the neighborhood. Since the weather is finally getting nice, I figured I'd give the treadmill a break. Henry keeps trying to eat anything he can off the sidewalk- even just grass and sticks and stuff. Its no wonder he's pukey. He eats the weirdest stuff.
I'm rambling, but I'm tired. I think its time to get some sleep.
Today I learned that adults with learning disabilities (like my poor colleague in Mandt training) can be humiliated by insensitive school psychologists.
Wait- aren't they SUPPOSED to be sensitive?!?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm running out of witty titles for my blog entries. Or maybe I'm too tired to be creative. Henry and I went to obedience class tonight. There's always around 40 dogs in the building, and they can get very excited. Its hard to keep Henry's attention. He's doing pretty well, though. He's super at heeling, and the other difficult things are coming along nicely. He has to settle down some when we get there, though. He shakes an awful lot at first.
School is going well. I had a veteran teacher come to me for advice on behavior management, which really made me feel good. I'm considered an educational specialist, as well as teacher, so having someone I respect and look up to ask me for help is an honor. I've dealt with some of the more difficult kids that have come through my school in awhile, so I guess they figure I'm qualified. One of my current students is having a really tough time (his dad just got out of jail, among other issues at home), and I'm not sure how long it will take to "fix" the problem. Right now he's being a pain the butt for attention. Its a fine line of giving him the attention sometimes and ignoring him at others.
I made another teacher's day by taking one of her kids while he was waiting for his bus. I'm assuming he's on ADHD meds, because his behavior today was abnormal. I guess he ran out (his dad died last week at twenty-seven). Anyway, the kid was crazier than any I've seen in a long time. At one point, he snatched two Sharpies off the teacher's desk and was drawing on his shirt with them. I observed for about fifteen minutes while I got another student ready to go home. I went to Joy and said, "Would you mind if he came with me and waited in my room for his bus to be called?" I had another student coming as a reward, and I didn't want him to play alone. Joy looked at me like I'd just given her a million dollars.
Today I learned that colleagues see my behavior management skills as positive and effective.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Let's try this again.

I thought I'd emailed a post to here from school earlier, but it didn't show up. I'm trying really hard, see, Teresa?
I'm pooped. I exercisted at six a.m. this morning, worked a long day, then had class. And here I am with nothing better to do. We did have chinese food for dinner, though. Mmmm. Shrimp fried rice. Yummy.
Today I learned that, if this morning exercise thing is going to work, my body has a lot of adjusting to do.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another weekend...gone.

It was a good one, though. Today I slept in a bit, then finished a needlepunch project for the school's silent auction. I'm going to try and do several more- supposedly a lot of businesses around here have donated for the hurricane relief and can't give much more.
I went to TJMaxx and shopped for a bit- a reward for studying so much this weekend. Bought a new shirt and skirt. My plan is to walk/run 30-40 minutes everyday, study 20-30 minutes everyday, and floss everyday. I've set up a check list for myself. My goal is 95% compliance. I think I've had too many graduate courses for one lifetime. I'm going to try exercising in the mornings. It didn't last too long last time, but I'm more motivated now that I've lost so much weight.
We watched the season premiere of "The West Wing"- my favorite show. Now I'm on here, and I'll be going to bed soon. This week will be really busy. I'll have class (mine and Henry's) three nights. I'll be away from school on Thursday and Friday, learning how to restrain people. So it should be eventful, at least.
Today I learned that acrocyanosis isn't supposed to cause pain. So those leg pains I've had all my life, related to bluish-purple legs at birth, isn't really related to the bluish-purple legs at birth.